
社会科学类纪录片,BBC 频道 2012 年出品,是 BBC Timeshift 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :The Rules of Drinking
  • 英文系列名:BBC Timeshift
  • 电视台 :BBC
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2012

Timeshift digs into the archive to discover the unwritten rules that have governed the way we drink in Britain.

In the pubs and working men’s clubs of the forties and fifties there were strict customs governing who stood where. To be invited to sup at the bar was a rite of passage for many young men, and it took years for women to be accepted into these bastions of masculinity. As the country prospered and foreign travel became widely available, so new drinking habits were introduced as we discovered wine and, even more exotically, cocktails.

People began to drink at home as well as at work, where journalists typified a tradition of the liquid lunch. Advertising played its part as lager was first sold as a woman’s drink and then the drink of choice for young men with a bit of disposable income. The rules changed and changed again, but they were always there - unwritten and unspoken, yet underwriting our complicated relationship with drinking.



内容 社会科学类 社会 休闲活动 饮食
史地类 历史 二十世纪 地理


Category:片名 Category:BBC Category:BBC Timeshift Category:2012 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.152 饮食 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.117 二十世纪 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:缺翻译