
旅游类纪录片,Others2010 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Mountains of Scotland
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :Others
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 26 分钟/集
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2005

The Mountains of Scotland may not be the highest, but they are certainly among the world’s most beautiful. Released on a single DVD, this series of six programmes will take you on a stunning aerial journey around this unique and precious landscape.

From the undulating tops of the high Cairngorm plateau to the rocky ridges and glens of the ranges to the West, Scotland’s Mountains form a varied and dazzling array of landforms.

These high places each have their own special character, their history and sometimes legends. Take a journey over and amongst this unique and precious landscape. There are six programmes on this DVD covering The Trossachs to Loch Rannoch : Nevis and Glencoe : The Grampians and Cairngorms : Torridon and the far north : Skye and Kintail : and finally some of the best elsewhere.

Initially shown to wide acclaim on Scottish Television / Grampian as Binnein Nam Beann, this version contains the English soundtrack.

The Trossachs (Scottish Gaelic, Na Trosaichean) itself is a small woodland glen in the Stirling council area of Scotland. It lies between Ben An to the north and Ben Venue to the south, with Loch Katrine to the west and Loch Achray to the east. However, the name is used generally to refer to the wider area of wooded glens and braes with quiet lochs, lying to the east of Ben Lomond.

The scenic charms of this area came to popularity when Walter Scott extended his romantic portrayal of Scotland’s past from border ballads to poems of a medieval past rich in chivalry and symbolism, with his 1810 poem Lady of the Lake giving a roll call of Trossachs place names, the lady herself being found on Loch Katrine. This was followed up by his 1817 historical novel Rob Roy romanticising the outlaw cattle thief Raibert Ruadh born by Loch Katrine and buried at nearby Balquhidder. Scotland’s only lake, the Lake of Menteith, lies about 6 miles (10 km) to the south east of the glen, on the edge of the Trossachs area.

Rannoch Moor is a large expanse of around 50 square miles (130 km2) of boggy moorland to the west of Loch Rannoch, in Perth and Kinross and Lochaber, Highland, Scotland. Rannoch Moor is designated a National Heritage site.

Ben Nevis (Gaelic: Beinn Nibheis) is the highest mountain in the British Isles. It is located at the western end of the Grampian Mountains in the Lochaber area of Scotland, close to the coastal town of Fort William.

In common with many other Scottish mountains, it is known to locals as simply The Ben. However, if walkers and climbers from outside Scotland use the term “The Ben” they usually mean Ben Nevis. it attracts an estimated 100,000 ascents a year, around three-quarters of which are made using the well- constructed Pony Track from Glen Nevis on the south side of the mountain. For climbers and mountaineers the main attraction lies in the 700-metre-high cliffs of the north face: among the highest cliffs in Britain, they harbour some classic scrambles and rock climbs of all difficulties, and are one of the principal locations in the UK for ice climbing.

The summit, at 1,344 metres (4,406 feet) above sea level, features the ruins of an observatory which was permanently staffed between 1883 and 1904. The meteorological data collected during this period is still important for an understanding of Scottish mountain weather. C. T. R. Wilson was inspired to invent the cloud chamber after a period spent working at the observatory.

Glen Coe (Gleann Comhann in Gaelic ) is a glen in the Highlands of Scotland. It lies in the southern part of the Lochaber committee area of Highland Council, and was formerly part of the county of Argyll. It is often considered one of the most spectacular and beautiful places in Scotland, and is a part of the designated National Scenic Area of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe. The narrow glen shows a dramatically grim grandeur, shut in on both sides by wild and precipitous mountains. Towards Invercoe the landscape acquires a softer beauty.

The name Glen Coe is often said to mean ‘Glen of Weeping’, perhaps with some reference to the infamous Massacre of Glencoe which took place there in 1692. However, ‘Gleann Comhann’ does not translate as ‘Glen of Weeping’. In fact the Glen is named for the River Coe which runs through it, and bore this name long prior to the 1692 incident. The name of the river itself is believed to predate the Gaelic language and its meaning is not known. One possibility is that it was named for a tribe once living in the area; however this remains speculation. It is also possible that the name stems from an individual personal name, Chomain or Comhan.

The Grampian Mountains or Grampians (Am Monadh in Gaelic) are one of the three major mountain ranges in Scotland.

The Grampians extend southwest to northeast between the Highland Boundary Fault and Gleann Mòr (the Great Glen), occupying almost half of the land-area of Scotland. This includes the Cairngorms and the Lochaber hills. The range includes Ben Nevis (the highest point in the British Isles at 1,344 metres above sea level) and Ben Macdui (the second highest at 1,309 metres).

The Torridon Hills surround Torridon village in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland. The name is usually applied to the mountains to the north of Glen Torridon.

These are all made of a type of sandstone, known as Torridonian sandstone (see Geology of the United Kingdom), which over time has become eroded to produce the unique characteristics of the Torridon hills.

Each of the Torridon Hills sits very much apart from each other, and they are often likened to castles. They have steep terraced sides, and broken summit crests, riven into many pinnacles. There are many steep gullies running down the terraced sides. The summit ridges provide excellent scrambling, and are popular with hillwalkers and mountaineers.

The Isle of Skye , commonly known as Skye, is the largest and most northerly island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. In Scottish Gaelic it is commonly referred to as An t-Eilean Sgitheanach (“The Winged Isle”).

In April 2007 it was reported in the media that the island’s official name had been changed by the Highland Council to Eilean a’ Cheò, a poetic name meaning “Isle of Mist”. However, the Council clarified that this name referred only to one of its 22 wards in the then impending election, and that there were no plans to change signage or discontinue the English name.

The English name came via Old Norse (Skið = “sky”, and similar meanings), as an alteration of a Pictish original which is recorded in Roman sources as Scitis (Ravenna Cosmography) and Scetis (on Ptolemy’s map). Some legends associate the isle with the mythic figure of Scáthach.

The population of Skye at the 2001 census was 9,232. In contrast to many other Scottish islands this represents a 4% increase from the census of 1991. The resident population is augmented in the summer by large numbers of tourists and visitors. The main industries are tourism, agriculture, whisky-distilling, brewing and craftmaking. The main town and capital of the island is Portree, which is known for its picturesque harbour.

Skye is renowned for its spectacular scenery, vibrant culture and heritage, as well as its abundant wildlife including the Golden Eagle, Sea Eagle, Red Deer and the Otter.

Kintail (Scottish Gaelic: Cinn Tàile) is an area of mountains in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland. It consists of the mountains to the north of Glen Shiel and the A87 road between the heads of Loch Duich and Loch Cluanie; its boundaries, other than Glen Shiel, are generally taken to be the valleys of Strath Croe and Gleann Gaorsaic to the north and An Caorann Mòr to the east.

Most of Kintail is owned by the National Trust for Scotland (NTS). The Trust’s Kintail and Morvich estate covers 74 square kilometres (29 square miles) and includes the Falls of Glomach, one of the highest waterfalls in Great Britain. The estate was purchased for the NTS in 1944 by Percy Unna, the Scottish Mountaineering Club president who also acquired Glen Coe for the Trust.

Some of the best Scottish mountains elsewhere in that great land.



内容 自然科学类 地球科学 陆域地形 山岳/高原/峡谷
社会科学类 社会 休闲活动 旅游
史地类 地理 欧洲 西欧
  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:Others Category:2005 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.5 地球科学 Category:3.54 陆域地形 Category:3.542 山岳/高原/峡谷 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.151 旅游 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:缺翻译