
自然科学类纪录片,Others 频道 2012 年出品。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Wildest Africa
  • 英文系列名:
  • 电视台 :Others
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 53 分钟 / ep
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2012

Wildest Africa celebrates the continent on a majestic scale – its vibrant culture and incredible wildlife. This documentary showcases the land’s epic natural spectacles and staggering beauty that are truly wild at heart. This iconic and landmark series is a celebration of Africa’s most spectacular locations, showcasing the full African experience. It journeys from the cradle of human civilisation to the most awe-inspiring natural wonders of the world by going on safari to see the continent’s Big Five – lion, elephant, leopard, black rhino, white rhino and Cape buffalo. Wildest Africa discovers their secret locations, their cultural and wildlife issues, as well as how the natural wonders they live in are being threatened and what is being done to overcome these environmental pressures. With a cinematic scope to rival the land it films, Wildest Africa captures the breathtaking sceneries, stunning details and rich cultures that exist all over Africa.

The Okavango Delta, a huge emerald oasis in the burning heart of the Kalahari desert, is fed by the Okavango River and this perpetual cycle of wet and dry is the lifeblood of this extraordinary natural Eden.

Namibia has been inhabited for thousands of years, by people as well as animals. The Himba people shows us their strong connections to their ancient ancestors through time tested rituals, further documented by stone and cave paintings. Bizarre desert plants and oasis dwelling baboons reinforce this land as a fascinating story of life – and death.

Ngorongoro is thought to have formed about 2.5 million years ago from a large volcano, whose cone collapsed inward after a major eruption, leaving the present vast, unbroken crater as its landmark. This fertile land is full of wildlife, from cunning hyena and proud lions to vast herds of wildebeest and elephants. The hardy Masaai tribe use Lake Natron’s salt to tend their cattle, whilst the world’s largest flock of flamingo relax in its almost fail-safe breeding grounds.

The wild water of Africa’s Zambezi river spills over Victoria Falls. The local people fully aware of its awesome power dubbed it ‘Mosi-oa-Tunya’ or ‘the Smoke that Thunders’. With a width of 1 mile and a height of 360ft, the Victoria Falls forms the largest sheet of falling water in the world. In the height of the wet season, columns of spray can be seen from 30 miles away, as 546 million cubic meters of water per minute plummet over the edge. The Zambezi is traversed several times by one of the world’s most epic natural events: the wildebeest migration.

Virunga National Park is notable for its chain of active volcanoes and the greatest diversity of habitats of any park in Africa: from steppes, savannas and lava plains, swamps, lowland and forests, to the ice fields of the Ruwenzori mountains, which culminate in peaks above 5000m. The great diversity of habitats harbors an exceptional biodiversity, including endemic as well as rare and globally endangered species, such as the mountain gorilla. The Ruwenzori or ‘Mountains of the Moon’, sit between the humid forests of the Congo Basin and the monsoon lands of East Africa. The Ruwenzori’s glaciers, frozen at some 5,000m (16,500ft) above sea level drip feed bogs which in turn feed mountain streams, rivers and the great African lakes of Victoria, Albert, Edward and George.

This series looks at some of Africa’s most spectacular locations and how these natural wonders are being threatened by environmental pressures. The longest river in the world at 6,700 kilometres, the Nile drains over three million square kilometres. Some of its water takes six months to reach the sea. Though it flows through one of Earth’s harshest deserts and travels the last 2,400 kilometres without a single tributary, it never runs dry.

Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island and is separated from Africa by hundreds of kilometres of sea and 165 million years of evolution - long enough for Madagascar’s plants and animals to evolve into some of the most unusual species on the planet.

Kilimanjaro is the tallest free-standing mountain rise in the world, rising 4,600 metres from its base, and providing a dramatic view from the surrounding plains. Nestling in its foothills is Tsavo National Park. Tsavo boasts volcanic hills, four rivers, more than 60 major mammal species and 1000 plant species. The area is known for its herds of ‘red elephants’, their skins stained by the local ochre dust.

A look at the abundant marine species to be found off Cape Coast, Ghana, including the Great White Shark.

The Congo, ’the dark heart of Africa’, is really a beautiful, bright wilderness. At its heart lies the world’s second largest river system - the Congo River. The Congo River system drains an area the size of Europe fed by ten thousand streams. It takes six months for water to go from the source to the Atlantic 4,700km away.

The Sahara is the largest desert in the world - covering a third of the entire African continent, one of the hottest, driest places on earth. Yet there is life here. Unique creatures adapted to one of the harshest environments on earth. Even people find ways to survive and flourish. The program investigates how the Sahara’s wildlife has found incredible solutions to survival on the edge of existence. We meet the planet’s smallest dog; a fish like lizard; a side-winding snake; and a rare antelope that can survive body temperatures of over 60 degrees Celsius. This episode also reveals the hardy people who make a living here - the Berbers who trade huge distances across the desert with their camel trains;

Lake Turkana is both the world’s largest permanent desert lake and largest alkaline lake, and is found in the north of Kenya’s Rift Valley lakes. It is also known to be packed with large Nile crocodiles, thousands of them. It has a deeply-rooted history stretching back many thousands of years, and parts of the Lake and surrounding area have been the location for paleontologists searching for early hominid remains

The Ethiopian Highlands are a rugged mass of mountains in Ethiopia, Eritrea and northern Somalia in the Horn of Africa. It is sometimes called the Roof of Africa for its height and the large area it covers. The Ethiopian highlands first began to rise 75 million years ago, pushed upwards by volcanic forces. The main dome was split into two halves, the northern and southern highlands, by the development of the Great Rift Valley. Plants and animals from different directions then colonised these separate massifs.



内容 自然科学类 地球科学 陆域地形 山岳/高原/峡谷 沙漠 岛屿 水域地形 湖泊和池塘 河川和溪流 生物学 动物 植物
史地类 地理 非洲 非洲东部 埃塞俄比亚 肯尼亚 马达加斯加 非洲中部 刚果共和国 刚果民主共和国 非洲北部 非洲南部
喀拉哈里沙漠 尼罗河流域 撒哈拉沙漠
  • 暂无

Category:片名 Category:Others Category:2012 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.5 地球科学 Category:3.54 陆域地形 Category:3.542 山岳/高原/峡谷 Category:3.545 沙漠 Category:3.548 岛屿 Category:3.55 水域地形 Category:3.553 湖泊和池塘 Category:3.554 河川和溪流 Category:3.7 生物学 Category:3.73 动物 Category:3.74 植物 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.25 非洲 Category:6.251 非洲东部 Category:6.2511 埃塞俄比亚 Category:6.2512 肯尼亚 Category:6.2513 马达加斯加 Category:6.252 非洲中部 Category:6.2525 刚果共和国 Category:6.2526 刚果民主共和国 Category:6.253 非洲北部 Category:6.254 非洲南部 Category:6.255 非洲西部 Category:8.0050 喀拉哈里沙漠 Category:8.0054 尼罗河流域 Category:8.0055 撒哈拉沙漠 Category:缺翻译