
传记/人物类纪录片,BBC 频道 2012 年出品,是 BBC Arena 系列之一。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Dickens on Film
  • 英文系列名:BBC Arena
  • 地区 :英国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :59 min
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2012

From the magical films of the silent era to the celebrated work of director David Lean and high definition television, this documentary revisits films and interviews from the archive to answer the question of why Dickens’s novels have inspired so many hundreds of adaptations on screen.

This co-production with Dickens 2012 not only encapsulates the history of Dickens’s time, but also of the 100 years in which his work has survived most acutely on screen. It is not only the stories, themes and characters of Dickens’s writing that translate so well onto screen - Sergei Eisenstein argued that there is something essentially filmic in his unique prose style; that Dickens’s rapid ‘cutting’ within scenes and from scene to scene coupled with his seamless mixture of the bizarrely comic with the terrifyingly profound was itself proto-cinematic.

Dickens wrote the way a camera saw before film had been invented and he remains to this day the most cinematic of writers.


Charles Dickens 相關影片

内容 社会科学类 社会 传记/人物
史地类 历史 十九世纪
文化艺术类 书/画/文学 文学


Category:片名 Category:BBC Category:BBC Arena Category:2012 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.12 传记/人物 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.116 十九世纪 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:7. 文化艺术类 Category:7.1 书/画/文学 Category:7.13 文学 Category:7.2 视听艺术 Category:7.24 电影 Category:缺翻译