
社会科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 ???? 年出品,是 DC Globe Trekker 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:勇闖天涯
  • 英文片名 :Globe Trekker Season 6
  • 英文系列名:DC Globe Trekker
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 52 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :VHS / DVD
  • 发行时间 :????

Globe Trekker transports viewers to unforgettable destinations through its stunning photography and spirit of adventure. In each episode, we send our charismatic hosts Ian Wright, Justine Shapiro, Zay Harding, Megan McCormick, Brianna Barnes, Holly Morris, Judith Jones and more off the beaten path to soak up the local culture, sample the cuisine and revel in breathtaking vistas. Globe Trekker’s motto? “living as the locals do!”

Explore your favourite Globe Trekker episodes by using the drop down menu below to find out more about your favourite series or show.

Christina Chang journeys through Greece, the cradle of the ancient world which has an archaeological legacy bearing testament to its varied past.

Christina Chang enjoying a dip in the Ionian Sea She begins her travels in the Athens, one of the most ancient cities in the world and the modern capital of Greece. The city is overlooked by the awe-inspiring Acropolis, a religious site since neolithic times, although the Parthenon temple which stands there today was built in the time of Pericles around 480 BC. After exploring the picturesque streets in the shadow of the Acropolis, Christina spends her evening in Exaria, the centre of student life in Athens, and goes to a bar to check out ‘rembetik’, the equivalent to the Greek blues.

No visit to Greece would be complete a trip to one of the country’s fourteen hundred islands, so Christina detours off her route to see the island of Chios in the Aegean Sea. It’s a long voyage but once she’s arrived Christina visits the Nea Momi monastery. Now home to one solitary nun, the monastery was the site of the slaughter of five thousand men, women and children by the Ottomans in 1822. Chios was one if the most wealthy islands in the Aegean and its prosperity was founded on just one much coveted commodity: mastic, the essential ingredient in chewing gum.

Christina returns to the mainland and travels by bus to the romantic town of Nafplio, dominated by the fortress of Palamide. From here she journeys on towards Areopoli, via the stunningLangada pass between Sparta and Kalamata. The Spartans were ancient warrior people and Areopoli is named after Aries, the god of war. Christina spends a few days exploring the Mani region by mountain bike.. The further south she rides the more arid and sparse the vegetation becomes, until at last she reaches the point which is as far south as you can go in mainland Greece, thought by the ancient Greeks to be the entrance to Hades.

From the Mani region Christina heads back north to Zagorohoria, a group of villages in a mountainous region near the Albanian border. From the village of Mikro Papingo she plans to trek through the mountains, but first her guide suggests a visit to the local evil eye woman to experience an intense ritual to restore her energy. The destination of her trek through the stunning mountain scenery is the Dragon Lake. It takes seven hours to reach the top but Christina and her guide plan to spend the night at a refuge hut. When they reach Dragon Lake at six o’clock the next morning there’s no sign of the dragon that reputedly lurks in the depths but breathtaking views are well worth the exertion and early rise!

Nearing the end of her journey Christina travels across northern Greece to Seres near the Bulgarian border, where she witnesses an ancient fire-walking festival called Anastenaria,Pilot crew filming on the beachperformed every year in May. The festival commemorates a church fire in 1250 when the holy icons were heard groaning in the flames. Local legend claims they were rescued by devoted villagers who emerged unscathed from the burning building. The participants work themselves into a frenzy to the music of lyres and drums. When the fires are lit the red-hot coals are raked out and the villagers run back and forth over the coals without burning their feet.

To conclude her trip Christina visits the incredible monasteries of Meteora, perched high on inaccessible pinnacles of rock and deriving their names from the Greek meteora, ‘rocks in the air’. No-one knows for sure how the monasteries were built, but as Christina attempts to climb one of the rock formations she realises it must have been quite a feat.

Traveller Ian Wright journeys through a land which, though ripped apart by political conflict, is renowned for its hospitality. The spirit of good time is known only in Ireland as the craic.

Ian begins his trip on the spectacular Antrim coast in Northern Ireland, boasting a geological wonder known as Giant’s Causeway. The origins and name of this rocky landmark areIan downs a pint of the black stuffenshrouded in myth and speculation, though Ian has his own theories.

Belfast is the city where Northern Ireland’s political troubles have been most intense. Ian takes a cab ride through the city and learns about the perils of Belfast life, and the terrifying events his driver has witnessed. That evening Ian tours the lively bars and clubs of the city on a mission to discover for himself the true meaning of craic.

From Belfast Ian heads south towards Dublin. His journey takes him through the county of Armagh- known as bandit country due to the troubles – where he joins a game of road bowls. He also takes a detour to Boa Island in Fermanagh in order to visit a statue called Janus – a 2000 year old fertility symbol which was one of the first Christian burial sites.

When he finally reaches Dublin Ian spends the evening at the Dublin Music Centre, hotbed of burgeoning Irish talent following in the footsteps of the internationally successful band U2. Also on the entertainment agenda is the semi-final hurling match between Kilkenny and Cork. It’s the world’s oldest surviving stick and ball game, faster than hockey and even more violent then rugby.

Ian travels by train to Cobh in County Cork, a seaside town which was once a major shipping port and final resting place of victims of the Lusitania, sunk by a German submarine in the first World War. While he’s in the vicinity of Cork Ian visits Blarney Castle, Ireland’s most popular tourist spot where each year thousands come to kiss the Blarney stone, reputed to give you the gift of the gab. Not that Ian needs it!

From Cork Ian gets on his bike and heads for the border with Kerry, where Gaelic is the first language and where the scenery, dotted with Celtic ruins, is regarded as the most beautiful inLounging around the beach in CorkIreland. Thirty miles off the coast of Galway lies Inishmor, the largest of the three Aran Islands and the location of bronze-age archaeological site Dun Aengus. Every year there’s a festival in Inishmor to celebrate traditional island life. Ian takes part in a boat race in flimsy vessels which were used for hunting whales until the beginning of the 20th century. After the festival everyone joins in the caille, a traditional celtic knees up.

Back on the mainland Ian hikes through the wilderness of Connemara and Donegal. The farmers of Connemara eke out a living cutting fuel from the century old peat bogs. Ian hears amazing local legends and reports of centuries-old articles being preserved intact in the peat. Next day he enlists a local fisherman to take him out in his boat to fish for mackerel near Slieve League Cliffs, before attempting a gruelling hike up Croagh Patrick, where Ireland’s patron saint Patrick spent 40 days fighting serpents and demons in 441. At the end of July thousands of barefoot pilgrims hike to the top to pay homage to the saint.

The final leg of Ian’s journey takes him across the sea again to inaccessible Tory Island. The tiny island is famous because it has it’s own king, a convivial fellow who makes it his duty to welcome visitors off the boat. The 125 strong community is thriving and has a school of artists. Local artist Anton Meaghnan gets his inspiration from the rich culture of mythology. He takes Ian to the wishing stone, where Ian ends his Irish adventure perched on the edge of a dangerous cliff, throwing stones at a wishing stone in gale force winds.

Ian Wright journeys through America’s ‘Bible Belt’ – the Deep South, home to the civil rights movement, the American civil war, and blues, jazz and rock.

image:Ian downs a pint of the black stuffHis trip begins with a trek in the stunning Smoky Mountains on the Tennessee / North Carolina border. It’s the most visited National Park in the country but there’s still incredible remote wilderness and breathtaking vistas all the way to the top of Mount Le Cont.

Driving south, Ian’s first stop in North Carolina isAsheville. The town is best known for its home-grown entertainment and the lively mountain music festival in the summer. Back on the road he learns a little about the Cherokee Indians who lived in this region until the white man arrived, a whole tribe of Cherokees was to walk toOklahoma.

In Scottsboro, Alabama, Ian pays a visit the baggage reclaim superstore. Ian discovers there’s thriving business to be made out of bargains and bizarre articles which never find their way back to their owners hands at airports all around the world.

In the conservative, fundamentalist southern states of the ‘Bible Belt’ it is thought that the snake is the embodiment of the devil. Ian meets Reverend Carl Porter uses deadly snakes during his sermons, believing that if you can master a snake you can master the power of the devil. Not surprisingly, his five hour services have had a few casualties!

Ian begins his day in Atlanta, gateway to the Deep South, with the ultimate southern breakfast of country fried steak and grits & gravy. Atlanta is the place where the world famous drink Coca-Cola was invented.

The birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr, Atlanta’s most famous son, is situated at the end of ‘Freedom Walk’. The house is now a national monument. When he was shot dead in Memphis in 1968 his body was returned home and every year thousands of pilgrims inspired by dreams of interracial harmony pay their respects. From Atlanta Ian takes a greyhound bus to Tuskegee, Alabama, for the public reunion of America’s first back fighter pilots, an annual air-show at Moton field. He’s lucky enough to be offered a ride in an early training plane and learns a few tactical (but stomach-churning) manoeuvres.

After heading south to the idyllic Gulf Shores, Ian spends a day witnessing a reconstruction of the last battle of the American Civil war. In 1865 the Confederates of the South finallyimage: In Scottsboro, Alabama, Ian pays a visit the baggage reclaim superstore. Ian discovers there’s thriving business to be made out of bargains and bizarre articles which never find their way back to their owners hands at airports all around the world.surrendered to the Unionists of the North in Mobile Bay at Fort Morgan.

That evening he joins the Florabama beach party where he learns the right way to eat crawfish – and the right way to toss mullet in the interstate mullet- toss between Alabama & Florida.

The last leg of Ian’s journey takes him via Vicksburg and the blues town of Clarksdale to Memphis, Tennessee. In Clarksdale he rents a room in the Riverside Hotel, once patronised by the likes of Sam Cook and Muddy Waters, and pays a visit to Wade Walten, the blues-singling barber at the only old style shave joint left in town.

Ian finally arrives at his destination - Memphis, the city which flourished on the cotton trade of the Mississippi Delta. He’s here for just one thing, though – Elvis week, an annual pilgrimage for thousands of fans in the week of the anniversary of the King’s death on August 16th.

On a Cadillac cab to tour he takes in the sights of the town: Elvis’ childhood home, his school and Sun Studios, where Elvis recorded his first ever hit. The highpoint of the week, and the end of Ian’s trip through the extraordinary southern states is a candlelit vigil attended by thousands, lasting throughout the night of August 16th.

Traveller Megan McCormick heads beyond the southern tip of India, to two of the most beautiful tropical locations on earth: Sri Lanka and the Maldive Islands.

Megan on a tea plantationColombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, has been an important trading port and commercial centre since the 1870s. It here that Megan begins her trip, travelling around town on a bajajs and sampling some exotic foods.

From Colombo Megan sets our along the coast for Matara. On the way she sees toddy-tappers at work high in the coconut trees and stops off at Weligama, where the local industry is a peculiar type of fishing: stilt fishing. Megan wades out to the stilts embedded into the seabed and tries her hand with little success. Next day she reaches Matara and just outside the town is the temple of Wewurukannala, site of Sri Lanka’s largest statue of Buddha.

In Buttula Megan stays at a sanctuary called Yala Tissa. It’s situated in the midst of beautiful countryside where reforestation programmes are in progress. She then takes a bus to Arugam Bay, a fantastic place for hardcore surfers but also an area which has been caught in the crossfire of the civil war between the government and Tamil rebels. Megan sees the evidence of political turmoil first hand when she takes a tour of the bombed cinema.

From Arugam Bay Megan hitches a ride to Ratnapura, which means ‘City of Gems’. This is the town where miners come to sell their gems to the dealers the most abundant being pink andRelaxing on river ride in Maleblue sapphires and the occasional ruby. Megan goes down the nearby mine accompanied by a guide – it’s a terrifying experience but they do find some topaz to reward their efforts. Megan then hires a car to drive up into the hills to visit the tea plantations. Also in hill country is Pinjnewala, home of the famous elephant orphanage. The parents of the orphan elephants have been poached for their ivory and Megan hears some incredible stories about the backgrounds of the animals that live here.

A few miles up the road is Sigiriya, the site of an impressive fortress built in the fifth century by a king called Kadyapa. Kasyapa has seized the throne by plastering his own father into the wall alive, and when his brother fled to raise and army against him he built this impenetrable fortress on top of a massive rock. Some beautiful frescos depicting Kasyapa’s favourite concubines remain from that time.

Megan then visits Kandy at the time of Esala Perahera, the country’s biggest festival where hundreds of elephants are dressed up in honour of Buddha’s ‘tooth relic’ and paraded around the city for ten nights. Every night more and more dancers and elephants join the procession and it’s a spectacular sight as the ‘Maligawa Tusker’, the chief elephant, carries a replica of the tooth around the city for three or four hours.

The final leg of Megan’s journey takes her to Male, the capital of the Maldive Islands. She finds a cheap package which includes accommodation and a safari boat, an ideal way to see the islands and do some spectacular diving. There’s many different varieties of fish, including barracuda, fusiliers groupa and trumpet fish, as well as soft corals and lagodias. Megan ends her extraordinary journey on Dhangethi, a perfect island of tropical beauty.

Presenter Ian Wright explores Bolivia, one of the poorest countries in Latin America but one of the richest in culture and landscape. image:IWrighty scales the Andean peaks of Huayna Potosi His journey begins on Lake Titicaca. It’s the highest navigable lake in the world and covers some 3000 square miles, linking Bolivia and Peru. The Island of the Sun is the place where the Inca Empire began and Ian learns that the first Inca married his sister, then convinced the people that they were the children of the sun god who had risen up from the lake. An hour by boat from the Island of the Sun is Copacabana, where every Sunday the locals bring their cars for a blessing by Father Bernadino. The ceremony is Christian but has its roots in the Inca tradition.

From Copacabana Ian hitches a ride to La Paz where he hunts out some bargains at the Market of Sagarnaga. Next door is the Witches Market, the place to find bizarre cures for uncommon ailments, such as llama foetus.

Ian flies to Sucre and plans to catch a bus to Potosi from there, however there’s a bus strike and Ian has to spend the night at an enchanting hacienda just outside town. Next morning he resumes his journey and en route to Potosi he witnesses preparations for a bull fight. He also stops off Tarabuco, famous for its handmade clothes and weavings.

At last Ian reaches Potosi, one of the richest cities in South America due to the discovery of silver in the 16th century, by a llama herder called Diego Huallpa. Ian plans to go undergroundimage: Relaxing on river ride in Male and experience the mines for himself, but first he stops at the miners market to purchase gifts for the miners: cigarettes, alcohol, coca leaves and a few sticks of dynamite! Miners start their career at the age of 8 or 10. They are self-employed and gifts from visitors supplement their meagre incomes. During colonial times millions of African and Indian slaves died due to the harsh conditions in the mines.

From Potosi Ian makes his way to Uyuni. Just outside the town is the largest salt flat in the world and Ian hooks up with a tour group to check out the immense salt lake which covers more than 4500 square miles. That night he stays at thePalacio del Sal - a hotel incredibly sculpted entirely from salt.

Ian gets a ride to Uncia, where the fiesta of San Miguel is taking place. Allegedly the patron saint of Uncia fought off devils who were trying to attack the town using only his fiery breath. Thirty-six different groups perform a traditional dance and the participants’ costumes become more and more extravagant as the day wears on.

Next morning Ian follows a tip that a Tinku fight is taking place in a nearby village. Twice a year entire villages turn out to take part in a strange tradition where every family member pits their strength against the opposition. The blood that is inevitably spilt during the proceedings is considered a sacrifice to Mother Earth, but when things get too rough the referees intervene with their whips.

After returning to La Paz by bus, Ian joins a group cycling to Coroico in the lush Yungas region. It’s a 38 mile ride with a 2 mile drop in altitude, and is very narrow with a sheer drop below. Thankfully Ian negotiates it without incident and arrives in Coroico and basks in the fertile sub-tropical climate which is far more hospitable than the highlands.

Ian ends his incredible journey by trekking to Huayna Potosi, one of the spectacular Andean peaks that overlook the city of La Paz.

Presenter Ian Wright travels through Madagascar, ‘the red island’ 250 miles off the east coast of Africa. It’s the 4th largest island in the world, with landscapes ranging from rainforest to aridimage:madagascar churchdesert, and animal and plant life found nowhere else in the world.

His journey begins in Antananarivo (Tana), the capital of Madagascar. Here he learns about the unique history and culture of the Malagasy. The earliest rulers were the highland ‘Merina’ tribe, and the first king Andrianampoinimerina united the island by marrying one wife from each of the 12 tribes. His granddaughter, Queen Ranavalona, came to power in 1828 and became the most notorious ruler – she threw foreigners out of the country, banned Christianity and slaughtered her own people in the most brutal ways.

Ian plans to leave Tana and head south but discovers there are no trains running that week. Instead, he finds a hira gasy performance in full swing at the station. It’s a mixture of song, dance, theatre and acrobatics revolving around a moral story.

With the show over, Ian finds a brousse taxi and travels for 3 and a half hours south through Antsirabe, stopping off at Ranomafana National Park. Ranomafana was created in 1991 after a new species of lemur, Madagascar’s national animal, was discovered in the rainforest around the Namorona River. Ian spends the night in a hut in the middle of the forest and the next day he’s lucky enough to catch sight of a golden bamboo lemur, the rarest of all the species.

Ian hitches a lift to the central highlands of Madagascar, home to the Bara people who graze their cattle around the regional capital of Ihosy. A Bara man’s status is defined by the number of cattle or zebu he owns. Ian observes the sport of zebu wresting, an activity which evolved from the practice of stealing zebu and is now an important initiation rite for the Bara lads.

Driving west towards the village of Ifaty on the west coast, Ian’s route takes him through the Isalo National Park. The Bara people bury their dead in the caves here and believe that theimage:Ghetto Life - a township in Ghana spectacular sandstone rockscape is inhabited by ancestral spirits. After arriving in Ifaty Ian hooks up with a dive tour operator and explores the coral reef, encountering a number of sharks at quarters rather too close for comfort!

After exploring the south of Madagascar, Ian flies north to Diego Surez, then journeys on to the small village of Anivorana on the shores of a sacred lake. Ian dons a lamba, a traditional Madagasci garment, then learns the legend behind the lake: Allegedly the lake was once a village itself, until one day a man came by and asked for a drink of water. No-one would help him except an old lady, whom the man told to leave immediately. When she returned she found her village had become a lake and all the villagers were crocodiles. Every year the people of Anivorana honour their reptilian ancestors by slaughtering a zebu by the lake.

On the final leg of Ian journey he flies to the historic island of Isle Sainte Marie. It’s a tropical island which, 200 years ago used to be the only buccaneer kingdom in the world. Thousands of pirates used to live here and were buried here too. There’s many tales of buried treasure on the island and Ian goes wreck diving in one of the many wrecks off the shore of the island.

Justine Shapiro travels to Vietnam, a country which stretches 1000 miles along the east coast of the Indochinese peninsula. Globe Trekker Vietnam She begins her journey in Ho Chi Minh City (called Saigon until the coming of communism in 1975), where she explores the Cholon quarter, where a vibrant market takes place every day. She’s in town for the new years TET festival, and that evening she joins the crowds letting off firecrackers in the streets to scare away the evil spirits.

No American can visit Vietnam without confronting the war issue, and next morning Justine travels 22 miles northwest of Ho Chi Minh to Cu Chi District. Here she sees some chilling reminders of the conflict, such as the 100 mile network of underground rooms and passages where the Viet Cong both hid and lived. She also visits Cao Dai in the province of Tay Ninh – the centre of one of Vietnam’s new religions, which combines the beliefs of Buddhism with Cofuscism, Taoism, Christianity and Islam. Their god is represented by one huge eye.

From Tay Ninh Justien travels by bus to Vietnam’s premier seaside resort, Nha Trang. She finds a room for the night at the Bao Di Villas, once the private seaside residence of the Emperor. She takes an all day boat trip to some of the islands off the coast, all including a fantastic lunch, comprising squid, tofu, stir fry noodles and fresh fruit.

Justine travels into central Vietnam on the Reunification Express. After North and South Vietnam united in 1975 one of the government’s first programmes was to replace the rail Practicing Tai Chi on the beach at Nha Trangsystem that had been destroyed in the war. It takes 16 hours to reach her destination, a peninsular in the middle of the country called Lang Co. It’s one of the most tranquil spots in Vietnam with miles of unspoiled beaches. She also visits the nearby city of Hue, where the Emperors lived from the beginning of the 20th century until the second world war, but most of the splendid buildings they constructed were bombed during the Tet offensive of 1968. Justine takes a day long trip down the Perfume River on an old converted barge to see the way of life that the river supports.

Justine flies from Hue to Hanoi, the political capital of Vietnam. She hires a bike to see the sights, discovering the soul of the city can still be found in the ancient town centre. She then travel by bus to Halong Bay on the Gulf of Tonkin. It’s Vietnam’s most spectacular & surreal landscape, dotted with over three thousand limestone islands. She meets a woman whose family live on an old fishing boat, and they take her along to visit a limestone cave three miles from shore which was inhabited by a friend of theirs.

Megan McCormick discovers Micronesia, a little known region in Oceania consisting of over 2,000 islands and making up over a quarter of the world’s atolls. Making a splash: Megan hits the waves She begins her journey in Guam, the gateway to Micronesia, which boasts one of the most important military bases in the Pacific. Megan is invited on board the USS Frank Cable, where she learns about how the island was liberated by the marines at the end of World War II. She also visits a traditional tattooist and learns about the art, which is indigenous to Micronesia.

Megan flies from Guam to Pohnpei, the capital of Micronesia and, with an average 400 inches of rainfall a year, it’s one of the wettest places on the planet. She goes hiking through some of the island’s lush, green vegetation and ends up at the magnificent Kepirohi waterfall – the perfect places to soak off the dust from the trail. Next day she takes a boat trip to Nan Madol,Micronesia’s greatest archaeological ruin. It was built in the 12th century and was the capital of a tyrannical dynasty called the Sandleurs. Dubbed ‘the Venice of Micronesia’, Nan Madol is situated on 92 tiny, artificial islands and is steeped in local legend.

From Pohnpei Megan takes to the skies again, this time heading for Chuuk. A number of Japanese warships were sunk in the lagoon at Chuuk, and it’s an incredible place to go wreck diving. Megan has the opportunity to spend the night on one of the tiny islands around the lagoon, however unpredictable weather makes the experience less enjoyable than she’d imagined.

The next destination is Palau, a tiny republic made up of 343 islands, which was only grantedThe beach on Gielop Island, Ulithi Atol independence from the United States in 1994. The population still observes some traditional customs, and Megan witnesses the rituals which a woman undergoes a month after giving birth to her first child. She also goes kayaking through the rock islands to one of the most amazing sights in Palau,Jellyfish Lake.

The final leg of Megan’s journey takes her to Yap. It’s the most traditional of all the islands in Micronesia, where the local currency is stone money. Megan finds accommodation with a local family and seeks permission from the Chairman of the Council of Tamol to visit Ulithi Atoll, home to a large population of hump backed turtles. She returns to Yap in time for the Yap Day celebrations – a festival which started in the 1960s to remember the traditions, legends and stories of the community. Finally Megan ends her trip to Micronesia with one last amazing underwater experience, diving with the manta rays.

Traveller Ian Wright ventures to the heart of south-east Asia, to Cambodia – a country which has endured a history of famine, civil war and mass genocide, but in recent years has becomeimage:I increasingly popular as a tourist destination.

Ian starts his journey with a trip through the mango swamps to the oldest temple in the country. In the sixth century Phnom Da was the capital of the Chenla dynasty. Nowadays it’s home to a community of monks and nuns who invite Ian to stay overnight so that he can witness the Buddah’s Day celebrations the next day.

From Phnom Da Ian travels to Kampot, at the foot of the Elephant Mountains. The mountain used to be a major Khmer Rouge stronghold but as Ian discovers from his Italian guide David, its now safe for trekkers and travellers to visit the extraordinary Bokor Hill Station, built by French colonisers in 1912.

Cambodia’s trains are notoriously slow and it takes a whole day for Ian to reach the seaside resort of Sinhanoukville. He meets up with a group of tourists who have hired a boat to take them to the nearby island of Koh Rong, where a local chef prepares a fantastic seafood dinner for his guests.

Next, Ian heads for the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. He hitches a ride with some members of the Mines Advisory Group who take him on a detour via one of the villages which the group is clearing of mines. It is estimated that there’s about 6 million unexploded mines in Cambodia, remnants of the fighting which has consumed the country for much of the last 50 years. Ian is dropped off at a killing field just outside the capital – one of the 450 sites where the Khmer Rouge carried out mass extermination of their countrymen by the most gruesome means. He meets Yuk Tang, a local historian who has been documenting the genocide for 20 years who tells him some poignant tales about the troubled times he has lived through.

Ian finally arrives in Phnom Penh, where traditional arts and culture are enjoying a revival and after exploring the thriving central market he joins in the weekly rehearsal of the National School of Dance. That evening he has experiences Cambodian stand-up comedy at the restaurant where he has dinner…but he doesn’t get any of the jokes.

Ian leaves Phnom Penh and flies northeast to Senmonorom, where he witnesses a hill tribe wedding. It’s a colourful affair which lasts the whole day and involves the slaughter of six different animals and consumption of copious amounts of alcohol.

The last leg of Ian’s journey takes him up to Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia’s largest inland lake. He finds accommodation with a local family, then heads for the ancient site of Angkor, meaning ‘the city’. This huge complex of palaces and temples is 15 miles in length and 7 miles wide, and incorporates Lake Sra Srang, Ta Promh, The Bayon and Angkor Wat. It was built in the 9th and 13th centuries by the Cambodian kings and Angkor Wat itself is biggest religious site in the world, considered by some to be the eighth wonder, and for Ian it’s an awe inspiring end to his trip to Cambodia.

Justine Shapiro travels to the Eastern Caribbean, a 600 mile long group of islands also known as the Lesser Antilles. Most people think of the Caribbean as a luxury vacation destination The beach on the tiny island of Carriacou for the rich and famous. But as Justine discovers, the Caribbean has a unique history and fascinating culture that will captivate the independent traveller.

She begins her journey in culturally diverse Trinidad, just 6 miles off the coast of South America. In the month of March the streets of the capital, Port of Spain, come alive with revellers at one of the largest street parties on earth. The carnival was introduced by French Catholic plantation owners who used to hold masquerade balls to celebrate the last 2 days before lent. When slavery was abolished, the masqueraders took to the streets and today more than 250,000 people take part in the festivities. Justine finds herself a costume and takes the opportunity to learn the Caribbean arts of chipping and wining.

With the party over on the stroke of midnight, Justine flies north to Trinidad’s sister island,Tobago. Famous for its unspoiled beaches and crystal clear waters, Tobago was a wealthy British colony until 1962, thriving on the coconut, sugar and cocoa plantations. Justine visitsRichmond Great House, a former plantation turned guesthouse, and witnesses a local gambling institution, the Buccoo goat race.

From Tobago, Justine journeys north to the spice island of Grenada. Here, she pays a visit to the thriving St. George market, which sells all the weird and wonderful fruit, vegetables and spices grown in Grenada. She samples a regional aphrodisiac known as souse, a hearty soup made of vegetables, cow skin and pigs’ feet, before catching a local bus to Pearl’s air field. Here she sees some old Cuban planes and learns about the 1979 coup by the people’s revolutionary government, when Grenada came to the attention of the world’s media.

Justine sails 17 miles north, over an underground volcano known as ‘Cancun Jimmy’, to the tiny island of Carriacou. Just 7 miles long by 2 miles wide, Carriacou is a small island with a big culture: every year the locals compete in Shakespeare recital contests, a tradition begun 100 years ago when a plantation owner who wanted to educate his slaves introduced Shakespearean masks to the island. Carriacou is also the home of internationally celebrated Caribbean artist Canute Calliste who claims to have been inspired by a mermaid he encountered on the beach when he was a boy.

Justine journeys on to Dominica, which was named by Christopher Columbus after the Latin word for Sunday, the day in which he first sighted the island. Dominica boasts the largest Justine dresses up for the Trinidad carnivalocean rainforest in the Caribbean and Justine hikes through one of the protected nature reserves. It’s also home to the oldest woman in the world, 125 year-old Ma Pempo. Justine pays her a visit to try and discover the secret of her long life. Next day, she sets out for Champagne Reef, one of the most dramatic dive sites in the Caribbean. Dominica’s underwater landscape developed around the crater of a submerged Soufriere volcano, which attracts an incredible variety of tropical marine life including the puffa fish, angel fish, trumpet fish and parrot fish.

For the final leg of her journey, Justine returns to the north-east coast of Trinidad to witness one of the most awe-inspiring events in the natural world, the giant leatherback turtle laying her eggs on the beach. Weighing up to half a tonne and measuring 8 ft in length, the leatherback is the largest turtle in the sea and one of the oldest species on the planet – leatherbacks have been around since the time of the dinosaurs.

Ian Wright journeys to Russia, the largest country in the world which covers more than 10 million square miles and spans 11 time zones. For 70 years travellers were unable to visit the Urban Space man: Ian moon walks in Space Citythen USSR, but since the collapse of communism Russia has become an increasingly popular destination.

Ian begins his trip in Moscow, the most affluent city in European Russia. He visits the Kremlin, the seat of the Russian government, and takes a tour of the palaces, churches and bell towers. He witnesses the changing of the guards, sees Red Square and the tombs of Russian dignitaries, as well as the embalmed body of Lenin. Later that day he takes a tour of the rest of city on horseback.

Next morning, Ian ventures out to the Izmaylovsky Market, which is held in the east of Moscow every Sunday. It’s a great place to find eccentric Russian souvenirs and communist memorabilia. Another relic of the communist era is Moscow’s impressive metro system: clean, safe and reliable, it was built in the 1930’s to showcase Soviet engineering, and is one of the great achievements of the Stalinist period.

Ian heads out of Moscow to Star City, home of the Russian space programme. This was where Yuri Gagarin trained to be the first man in space in 1961. It was once a top secret location, but these days it’s open to tourists who want to try out simulated moon walking, tour a replica of the Meer space station and even experience zero gravity in a special training jet used to prepare cosmonauts for space travel.

Ian takes the train from Moscow to St Petersburg, stopping off at the Monastery of St Boris and Gleb in Torzhok. Since the fall of communism, the Russian Orthodox Church isimage: Justine dresses up for the Trinidad carnival experiencing a revival and places of worship such as the wooden church built in 1742 are now being restored.

He finally reaches St Petersburg, which is the second biggest city in Russia with a population of 5 million. When Lenin died in 1924 the city was renamed Leningrad but 65 years later the people of the city voted it back to its original name. St Petersburg is Russia’s most tourist friendly city – even though there is only one youth hostel here. The Russian Baroque palaces are the envy of the world and Ian hires a guide to take him to the fabulous former home of the Tsars, Winter Palace, which now houses a great museum known as the Hermitage. It was across the square from here that the Russian Revolution began, when, on the night of the 25th October 1917, the revolutionaries stormed the palace, arresting the government and installing the Soviet regime in its place, with Lenin as their leader.

Ian pays a visit to the Peter and Paul Fortress, one of the first things built by Peter the Great after he founded the city in 1703. It’s a tourist attraction with a difference: a perfect sun trap and however cold it is, when the sun comes out in winter dedicated sun-worshipers strip off and line up against the wall. Before leaving town Ian has a night out, making his way round a few of the recently opened theme bars in town.

For the final leg of his journey Ian flies north to Murmansk, the biggest city in the Arctic Circle. He has arranged a trip to the Lapland Nature Reserve, 150 square miles of arctic wilderness which is home to the Russian Father Christmas.

Ian ends his trip to Russia in the town of Murmansk, celebrating the Festival of the North, which marks the end of winter. Revellers from all over, including Sami reindeer herders from Lapland, to take part in skating contests, the cross-country skiing marathon, hockey tournament, and even under water swimming below the surface of the lake.

Justine starts her historical journey dodging swords at the re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings, then travels up the coast to visit the Royal Pavilion in Brighton. Passing throughimage:Queen of the Castle: Justine ShapiroLondon she takes a canal ride up to theYorkshire Moors where she boards a double decker bus/hotel.

Next stop Whitby, the eerie coastal town which inspired Bram Stoker to write the world famous horror story, “Dracula”. Then a stroll along the Roman built Hadrian’s Wall, a chance meeting with a Roman centurion, and a ride on a steam train before visitingLiverpool to pay homage to “The Beatles”.

Venturing south in a vintage car into England’sWest Country, Justine meets the very eccentric Marquess of Bath, and joins a pagan celebration in Glastonbury before ending her journey in Ottery St. Mary. Here fearless locals terrify spectators by running through narrow streets with huge, flaming tar barrels, to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night.

Christina Chang travels to Southern Spain. Although these days it’s commonly associated with golf, fast food, concrete and spoiled beaches, it is one of the most beautiful and diverse regions Christina Chang dressed as Clint Eastwood at Mini Hollywoodin all of Europe.

Christina heads inland to the ancient town of Ronda, situated on a rocky outcrop in the Serranía de Ronda mountains. She learns about the gruesome history of the town, when in 1936 the entire country was split between the Communists and the Fascists. Villagers fought ferociously against each other and in the first month of the war 512 people were murdered in Ronda. She also comes across a travelling exhibition of witch paraphernalia. During the Spanish Inquisition in the 15th century, 85 percent of the women accused of witchcraft were condemned and subjected to the most horrible tortures.

Christina rents a car and drives down the coast to Tarifa, the windiest place in Spain. She takes a few windsurfing lessons, then continues her journey to the small village of La Rabida, where Christopher Columbus embarked upon his voyages of discovery. At the local museum there are life-size replicas of Columbus’ fleet.

Next, Christina takes a boat trip up the Guadalquivir river to one of Southern Spain’s most historic cities, Seville. Her voyage takes her through the Donana National Park. The Battle of the Moors & the Christians during the annual fiesta in Alcoy, Valenciamarshy delta is home to hundreds of different species of birds and during the summer months it’s a favourite nesting ground for flamingos. Christina finally arrives in Seville, the capital of Andalucía, in time for Easter week, one of Spain’s oldest and holiest festivals, Easter week. The tradition dates back to the 17th century, and all the members of all the churches in the city process to the cathedral to ask forgiveness for their sins in the past year.

From Seville Christina travels by train to the province of Jaén where she goes horse trekking in the Cazorla National Park. It’s a stunning mountainous region which is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Christina and her guide stop off at a jamón factory where they sample cured serrano ham, then continue their trek to the summit of El Yelmo. Christina plucks up her courage and paraglides off the top of the mountain, takes in the astounding views of the Sierras de Cazorla.

Christina travels to the famous town of Granada, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The city was the seat of power of the Moorish people who occupied Southern Spain for over 700 years from the 8th century. She visits the famous Alhambra, a fine example of Moorish architecture which was originally built as a fortress in the 11th century. Later, she goes to a Flamenco School to learn a little about the traditional dance form in preparation for Cristo de los Gitanos, a Gipsy festival the Sacramonte district of Granada. Fires are lit all around the winding streets, and the gypsy people burn bushes of rosemary gathered from the surrounding hills, filling the air with scented smoke.

The Sierra Nevada mountain range is home to Europe’s most southerly ski resort. Christina rents some gear and heads for the slopes to learn how to snowboard – but, as she discovers, it’s not as easy as it looks.

Christina hitches a lift to Tabernas, in the province of Almería. Just outside town she visits Mini Hollywood, where countless spaghetti westerns were filmed. This area has more than a striking resemblance to the Arizona badlands, and many of the film sets have remained here ever since.

From Tabernas, Christina travels to Cabo de Gata National Park, a dramatic desert-like landscape of arid valleys and mountains with the Mediterranean lapping at its edges. She takes a boat to San Pedro beach, one of the few unspoiled stretches of coastline remaining in Southern Spain.

Christina ends her journey in Alcoy, in the region of Valencia. She’s lucky enough to witness a festival commemorating a famous battle between the Christian ruler and the Moorish captain Al Athrak which took place in the city in 1276. As the story goes, the Christians were on the point of losing the city to the Moors, when St. George appeared on a white charger and turned their luck around. It’s a fascinating three day event, and a perfect end to Christina’s active and cultural journey in Southern Spain.



内容 社会科学类 社会 休闲活动 旅游
史地类 地理 亚洲 东南亚
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Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC Globe Trekker Category:???? Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.151 旅游 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.222 东南亚 Category:6.2221 越南 Category:6.2222 柬埔寨 Category:6.223 南亚 Category:6.2236 斯里兰卡 Category:6.2237 马尔代夫 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:6.2312 爱尔兰 Category:6.233 东欧 Category:6.2331 俄罗斯 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2352 西班牙 Category:6.2354 希腊 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:6.2419 北美洲其它国家 Category:6.242 南美洲 Category:6.2429 南美洲其它国家 Category:6.25 非洲 Category:6.251 非洲东部 Category:6.2513 马达加斯加 Category:6.26 大洋洲及其它各国 Category:6.264 密克罗尼西亚 Category:缺翻译