
社会科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 ???? 年出品,是 DC Globe Trekker 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:勇闖天涯
  • 英文片名 :Globe Trekker Season 15
  • 英文系列名:DC Globe Trekker
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :约 52 分钟/EP
  • 版本 :VHS / DVD
  • 发行时间 :????

Globe Trekker transports viewers to unforgettable destinations through its stunning photography and spirit of adventure. In each episode, we send our charismatic hosts Ian Wright, Justine Shapiro, Zay Harding, Megan McCormick, Brianna Barnes, Holly Morris, Judith Jones and more off the beaten path to soak up the local culture, sample the cuisine and revel in breathtaking vistas. Globe Trekker’s motto? “living as the locals do!”

Explore your favourite Globe Trekker episodes by using the drop down menu below to find out more about your favourite series or show.

Untamed and unspoiled, the islands of Papua New Guinea (PNG) are not your classic beach paradise. But, pristine beaches and world class dive sites, combined with wild jungles and activeZay Harding, East New Britain, PNG Islands volcanoes are an invitation to adventure. Globe Trekker Zay Harding rises to the challenge of a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

Arriving in Port Moresby, Zay heads off to palm fringed Manus Island, whose tranquil setting belies its strategic importance during WW2. Next off, he hits PNG’s largest island: New Britain.

Its landscape dotted with stunning volcanoes, it’s strewn with WW2 military debris – a poignant testament to the defeat of the Japanese army by the Allied Forces. He explores a rumbling string of cones and craters carpeted with virgin tropical rainforest.

Stopping over in Rabaul, Zay soaks up the surreal “Mad Max” atmosphere of a town still blanketed in ash from the ominous Mount Tavurvur and kayaks with local Matupit Miners to harvest eggs laid in the volcanic ash by theZay Harding, Nusa Island, PNG Islands Megapode bird, undeterred by a smoking caldera.

Next off, Zay dives beneath the surface to explore the islands’ crystal clear waters and WW2 bounty at Simpson Harbour, with its unbeatable repertoire of rusting ships, tanks, fighter planes, and artillery. He marvels at the thriving fish life and learns all about the exploits one time resident and Hollywood heart throb Errol Flynn.

He also gets to meet modern day music maestro - George Telek - and chill out to the rhythms which embody PNG’s vibrant culture. Next day he follows in the footsteps of Australian soldiers on the Lark Force Wilderness Trek that traverses pristine jungle and rugged terrain.

Onto New Ireland, Zay scuba dives through pristine coral and kayaks his way along a string of small villages, meeting local communities, and taking in the breathtaking scenery along the way. Last off, he visits Bougainville where he enjoys the tranquillity of an island thus far untouched by tourism. He Zay Harding, Manus, PNG Islandswinds up his trip with a trek into the jungle in search of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto’s plane which crashed here in WW2.

Yamamoto was the mastermind behind the WW2 Japanese campaign against the Allied Forces and the wreck of his plane symbolic of the warfare that once ravaged PNG.

Holly Morris“What captivates me about Bangladesh is the people. There’s hardship and poverty, to be sure, but amazing ingenuity and a resilient spirit is what rises to the surface. Travelling here is a humbling and unforgettable experience.” Holly Morris, Globe Trekker Bangladesh.

In Globe trekker Bangladesh we follow host Holly Morris on an adventure through one of the poorest and most populated countries on the planet. It’s a tough but rewarding journey andRickshaw, Dhaka contrary to expectations Holly discovers a country overflowing with life, culture and incredible hospitality.

Her trip starts in Dhaka, the capitol of Bangladesh and the 7th largest city in the world. After a hectic few days dodging rickshaw and tasting the favourite local dish Byrani, she boards the Rocket Paddle Steamer, a relic from the days of the British Raj, and embarks on a 24 hour journey down river to one of the largest mangrove forests in the world, the Sunderban National Park.

Risking an encounter with the man eating Bengal Tigers that live in the park Holly joins a group of local villagers on a trek deep into theHoney Bees, Sundarbans National Park forest to find honey. The search is a success, despite having to brave a swarm of giant killer bees, and after tasting the golden nectar she departs northward to one of the poorest regions of the country.

Journeying mostly by river Holly discovers that Bangladesh consists largely of flood prone low lying flat lands and river deltas. During the wet season large portions of the country are submerged and the northern regions of the country are often the hardest hit. Holly explores some of the ingenious methods the locals have developed to cope with the challenges they face and visits a local “floating” school where she ends up giving the children there a lesson in7-layer tea American slang.

Hopping a local bus Holly then heads east stopping at a slithering snake charmers market to confront her worst fear, snakes, before moving on to the hilly tea plantations of Sylhet in the hilly northeast corner of the country. Neighbouring the more famous tea-producing regions of Darjeeling and Assam in India, Holly discovers that this part of Bangladesh can produce just as delicious a cuppa but working in the fields picking the tea is tougher than it looks.

For the final leg of her journey Holly takes a sleeper train south to the Bangladeshi coast – home to the largest continuous natural beach in the world, but, before hitting the beach, Holly pays a visit to the infamous ship breaking yards of Chittagong. This is where half the world’s defunct sea vessels are dismantled and sold for scrap, It’s a terrifying but spectacular operation.

Holly Morris, Cox BazaarIn need of some well-earned R&R Holly finishes her journey near the border with Myanmar in the seaside resort of Cox’s Bazaar. Possibly the most relaxing place in the country, Cox’s Bazaar provides the perfect end to an adventure packed journey filled to the brim with friendly people, vivid colour, natural beauty and most of all life in all its dizzying dimensions.

Located at the heart of the Caribbean, Puerto Rico is around 100 miles long by 30 miles wide, with a population of some 4 million. Part of the U.S. Commonwealth, it’s known as the “island of enchantment“, boasting sun-kissed beaches, dramatic mountains, a rich colonial history, and great music.

Starting his journey in Puerto Rico’s vibrant capital, San Juan, host Zay Harding looks around the beautifully preserved old city, dating back to the Spanish conquest in the 16th century.Zay Harding, San JuanSampling the local cuisine and the fabulous national drink, the piña colada, he salsas the night away before getting to meet the man who rolled the world’s longest cigar.

From San Juan, Zay heads east to El Yunque National Forest, one of the best preserved rainforests in the Caribbean. Home to over 240 species of trees, and a lot of rare wildlife, it’s the last refuge of the endangered Puerto Rican Parrot. Checking out the breeding project that aims to save these beautiful birds, Zay is reassured that the future of the species is in good hands.

From El Yunque, Zay leaves the main island of Puerto Rico to catch a ferry to the small island of Vieques, which is blessed with a spectacular coastline. During WWII, the US military used the island as a weapons test site, and Zay discovers how the island’s glorious beaches are now being decontaminated and opened to public access for the first time since the war.

Zay Harding salsas the night awayAfter enjoying a fabulous horse-ride along the coast of Vieques, Zay takes the ferry back to the main island of Puerto Rico, before heading west to explore the Camuy River Caves National Park. Having eroded through the region’s soft limestone over millions of years to create huge sinkholes and caves, the Camuy is the third largest underground river system in the world. Zay rappels down a 250 foot deep sinkhole, before plunging through the dramatic underground river caverns.

Nearby the Camuy caves, Zay visits Puerto Rico’s most famous scientific installation, the world’s largest radio-telescope, at Arecibo. He’s amazed to learn how the dish is being used to track asteroids that might threaten a catastrophic collision with planet Earth, as well as to search for radio signals from outer space that might just possibly reveal the existence of advanced and intelligent alien life elsewhere in the universe.

Globe Trekker Zay HardingFinally, Zay heads up into Puerto Rico’s central highlands. The region is known for producing some of the world’s best coffee, and Zay enjoys a colourful coffee festival in the town of Maricao, before heading on to another festival in the nearby town of Jayuya. During the Spanish conquest 500 years ago, the highlands provided a last refuge for Puerto Rico’s native Taino people as they fled from the conquistadores – Jayuya’s festival celebrates the fascinating culture and traditions of the Taino, and it’s a perfect way for Zay to end his trip to this fascinating island.

Our 3,000km journey starts on the Avalon Peninsula, in Newfoundland & Labrador, the oldest and most easterly part of North America. Though it was the first province discovered byZoe D’Amato, The Ryan MansionEuropeans, it was the last to join Canada in 1949 – a testimony to its independent spirit.

Next, we travel south west to the maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick, known for their rugged coastlines, natural beauty and delicious fresh fish.

We then head inland to say bonjour to Quebec’s European culture and old-world charm and party at the New France Festival.

Last off we reach Ontario, where we experience the dizzying heights of Toronto’s mega CN Tower and the thundering magnificence of the Niagara Falls.

Welcome to Eastern Canada!

In this Globe Trekker Special, Ian Wright, Megan McCormick, Matt Young and Zay Harding travel across the Pacific, visiting key Second World War locations in some of the world’s remotest and most beautiful places.

Zay Harding, Bridge Over The River Kwai, ThailandOur journey starts at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Megan McCormick attends the Remembrance Day ceremony held each year to honour those who died in the surprise Japanese attack on the United States Pacific fleet on December 7th, 1941.

Within 6 months of Pearl Harbour the Japanese conquered a vast empire across the Pacific and Southeast Asia, and decided they needed to build a new railway line from Thailand to supply their troops in Burma on the front line of their expanding empire. Visiting the famous Bridge Over the River Kwai in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, Zay Harding travels along the line which came to be known as the ‘Death Railway’, as a result of the 12,000 Allied Prisoners of War, and more than 80,000 Asian labourers, who were worked to death building the railway for the Japanese.

In July 1942 the Japanese attacked Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, from the north, overland along the rugged and mountainous Kokoda Trail. Matt Young treks through remote Papuan jungle in the footsteps of the Australian troops as they retreated from the Japanese advance, and sees many relics of the battle that have survived undisturbed until today.

WW2 Wreck Diving, Chuuk, MicronesiaBy the end of 1943, the tide of the war in the Pacific turned, as a result of the United States increasingly superior air and seapower, putting the Japanese onto the defensive. Zay Hardingtravels to the spectacular volcano-surrounded harbour of Rabaul, in New Britain, Papua New Guinea, home to a massive wartime Japanese naval base which was heavily bombed towards the end of the war. He dives in the harbour, exploring the wreck of a Japanese Zero Fighter Plane discovered just a few months ago.

One thousand miles north of Rabaul, the Micronesian island of Chuuk was also home to a huge wartime Japanese naval base. Megan McCormick goes wreck diving in the lagoon, exploring a Japanese ship sunk during a massive US bombing attack in February 1944. Closer still to Japan, the Japanese troops defending the remote Marshall Islands came under heavy attack from US forces in 1944. Zay Hardingtravels tothe very rarely visited island of Mili, and dives a recently discovered intact AmericanB-25 Bomber that was shot down in the lagoon.

Matt Young and local village chiefWhilst Megan McCormick explores the atmospheric ruins of a Japanese defensive bunker on the island of Palau, Zay Harding travels to the beautiful island of Saipan. Just 1,500 miles south of Tokyo, Saipan was defended ferociously by the Japanese, as they knew that the capture of its airfields would allow the US to attack Japan directly with long-range bombers. Zay attends the Memorial Day ceremony to honour those who died during the US invasion of June 1944, and visits Banzai Gulch and Suicide Cliff with local historian Don Farrell. Here he learns about the suicidal banzai charge of over 3,000 cornered Japanese troops, as well as the shocking suicides of over 5,000 Japanese civilians who jumped from the island cliffs.

Following the capture of Saipan, the Japanese island of Okinawa came under attack in April 1945. Ian Wright visits the underground Japanese naval headquarters, where around 4,000 Japanese servicemen committed suicide rather than suffer the dishonour of surrender as they saw it.

Despite relentless firebombing of Tokyo and countless other Japanese cities, Japan refused to surrender although defeat was inevitable, and so the United States took the fateful decision toWW2 Wreck Diving, Chuuk, Micronesiause a terrifying new weapon that had just been invented. Zay Harding travels to the tiny island of Tinian, near Saipan, visiting the now disused airfield from which the Enola Gay took off on August 6th 1945, loaded with an atom bomb, bound for Hiroshima.

Ending the programme, Ian Wright visits the Peace Museum in Nagasaki, dedicated to the memory of those who died in the second atom bomb explosion 3 days after Hiroshima, and hears the harrowing testimony of one of the survivors of the bombing.

Fort Worth Cattle DrivePresenter Zay Harding makes his way across the urban and rural landscapes of Eastern Texas and he encounters everything from rootin’ tootin’ cowboys, rodeos and oil, to prisons, guns and rockets, and discovers a dramatic and colourful history.

Zay’s journey starts in ‘cow town’, Fort. Worth. Once a major cattle exchange, these days it is a showcase for the spirit of the Texan cowboy.

Zay’s leaps right in, taking some roping lessons from a former rodeo star Pam Minnick and takes part in the evening’s whip-cracking rodeo show. But no cowboy would be complete without his trusty pistol and Ft. Worth is home to the longest running Gun Show in the State.

Having little experience himself Zay explores the show and learns why Texans are so attached to their firearms but none of the answers are as shocking as his encounter with a tazer display!

JFK assasination - DallasOnwards to Dallas, where Zay experiences a darker side to Texan history by visiting arguably the most famous spot in the city: the scene of President Kennedy’s assassination. Zay relives JFK’s final moments with the help of Pearce Allman, a local newsman, who witnessed the tragedy first hand.

No story on East Texas would be complete without mention of that old ‘black gold‘ – Oil! Zay travels to Kilgore, the heart of the East Texas oil boom of the 1930‘s. This small town was once home to the richest acre in the world and helped to create the oil-rich reputation the state enjoys to this day.

Texas also has a long-standing reputation for tough justice. Moving south, Zay stops at one of the most fearsome prisons in the State: Huntsville. Texas executes more people than any other State in the union and all of them occur in the Huntsville State Penitentiary.Texas state penitentiary

Zay explores the sensitive subject by meeting a former warden from the prison’s death house and some newly-released prisoners.

For the final leg of his journey Zay travels to Houston, the 4th largest city in the US and home to NASA’s Johnson Space Centre. After a tour of its awe- inspiring visitor centre, Zay goes behind the scenes and finds out what astronauts go through when training for their missions into space and meets Astronaut Alan Bean, the 4th man to walk on the moon!

Back on sturdy soil, Zay completes his journey in the tiny town of Chappell Hill where 4th of July celebrations are nothing short of BIG!

Zay joins in the festivities and experiences the infectious nature of the independent spirit this big old State holds dear.

They say everything is bigger in Texas and nowhere is this more apparent than in the Western half of the State. With its big landscapes, big history and big steaks, West Texas is bursting at the seams with action packed adventure and offers up a colourful mix of the iconic and unexpected.

Fort Worth Cattle DriveIn Globe Trekker West Texas presenter Zay Harding begins his journey in the state capital, Austin. With its vibrant music and arts scene, Austin is a shining Mecca for the weird and wonderful and Zay dives right in exploring everything from rattlesnake hotdogs to bingo with chickens.

After a night out soaking up Austin’s wild and crazy music scene Zay heads south to visit the laid back city of San Antonio where he explores the Alamo and gets a lesson in what it really means to be Texan. Our next stop is El Paso,a multi layered city defined by its complex relationship with Mexico colourful, vibrant and oozing with Latino charm. Zay meets the locals and learns about the good, the bad and the ugly sides to life on the border.

Heading into the desert surrounding El Paso, Zay gets a taste of the old Wild West. In a landscape straight out of a John Wayne movie he boards a stagecoach and travels along the old Butterfield trail. It’s a journey back in time, to a place where banditry and Indian raids were common place and beautiful rock formations like Hueco Tanks provided a welcome respite from the punishing travel conditions of the 19th century American West.

For the final leg of his trip Zay takes to the road in a 1960’s mustang and travels to the far north of the state into an area known as the pan-handle. It’s a classic road trip that takes in the stunning Palo Duro Canyon and most of the Texas leg of Route 66. Determined to get his kicks on Route 66, Zay busts a gut in Amarillo’s steak eating challenge, leaves his mark on a bizarre art installation known as Cadillac Ranch and concludes his journey on the border with New Mexico in the mysterious ghost town of Glenrio.

Zoe D’Amato, The Ryan MansionJoin Brianna on a whirlwind tour of Britian’s enourmous capital city:LONDON! A melting pot of cultures and quirky habits that makes it one of the most unique and thrilling places on the planet. Whether it’s the mockney cheerio chaps and evenin’ guvnor types you’re after in its glorious East End or the altogether calmer atmosphere of meandering canals, we get to the bottom of what makes London so cool!

Beginning our tour at the iconic Buckingham Palace, home to the HRH The Queen of England and various Royals along the way, we see the changing of the guards before heading over to Soho for a spot of afternoon tea above a traditional London pub.

Onwards to the National Gallery, home to over 2,000 paintings and one of Europe’s finest collections of art. For an altogether different view of ‘Art’ our roving host heads over to the East End to sniff out a Banksy, see if the English really DO hanker after the occasional jellied eel and shops for oddities at nearby Spitalfields Market.

Every adventurer needs a hearty breakfast, while others need the occasional splurge so after breakfasting at (arguably) London’s glitziest hotel, The Ritz, Brianna heads into Mayfair for a spot on indulgent retail therapy at the very bastions of English style. Tips from top sommeliers at Berry Bros and Rudd, a fitting at Lock & Co - the oldest hat-makers in London, and more.

No trip to London would be complete without a gander through Covent Garden - and while plenty a fair lady is to be seen the original flower girls have since moved on. Ever wondered why London buses are red? Or who the Fat Controller is? Then take a look inside the London Transport Museum - home to over 370,000 objects concerning urban transport. Perhaps just as famous for it’s iconic double deckers, as it is for its cyclists, Briana embraces the British obsession with cycling and and heads along the canal from Regent’s Park all the way to the Olympic Stadium via Camden Lock.

Taking advantage of the wealth of transportation links in and out of London, Brianna heads out on a day trip by rail to Oxford, taking in the impressive grounds, awe-inspiring University and a genteel punt along the river!

Back in London, and Brianna’s speeding down the Thames, Bond-Style in search of the the Royal Naval College,Queen’s House, and the Greenwich Royal Observatory before taking in the massive Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern, a magnificent converted power station housing contemporary art exhibitions.

Another day, another site as we head to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, home to the most extensive botanical collection in the world before galloping through the 1,000 hectare area that is Richmond Park (on horseback of course!) before rounding off the day at the Victoria Inn, famous for being the smallest pub in Richmond.

In her final day in London, Brianna rounds off our trip with a visit to the annual Thames Festival and hires one of the hundreds of rental bikes available to check out the festivities which include a feast on Southwark Bridge, carnival-style dancing, and a huge night-time firework display.

Brace yourselves for a hearty welcome to London!

From the Founding Fathers to Andy Warhol, Globe Trekker’s journey through the Mid Atlantic States of America features a glimpse into the characters and colorful history of the region, covering parts of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Fort Worth Cattle DriveBrianna starts in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and discovers that the notoriously popularised “Jersey Shores” has a softer, nostalgia-tinged side as she travels south to Wildwoods on a 1950’s themed weekend.

After taking the car-ferry from Cape May to Lewes, Brianna heads for the Chesapeake Bay, where she checks out a classic American Diner with a patriotic tradition, the U.S. Naval Academy, and then goes crabbing for the famous Maryland Blue Crabs.

Cowboy ZayHeading north, she stops by south-eastern Pennsylvania’s historic Brandywine Valley in Delaware and the Hagley Museum to see the origins of the Dupont family fortunes: a historic gunpowder factory.

Onwards to Philadelphia, America’s first capital city and a great place to get to know the Founding Fathers up close and personal. After making a pilgrimage to some of Philly’s famous ‘cheese steak’ outlets and learning about that cult food from a champion eater, she makes a triumphant run up the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum and discovers she’s not the only fan of the famed Hollywood legend ‘Rocky Bilboa’.

Leaving Philadelphia, Brianna heads deeper into Pennsylvania to Amish Country, the new Flight 93 memorial, and then Pittsburgh to check out the Andy Warhol Museum.

Foam HengeHeading south into Virginia, Brianna practices a classic American highway tradition by pulling over at a curious roadside attraction which in this case is ‘Foamhenge’, a full scale replica of Stonehenge made out of Styrofoam!

Her final destination is Monticello, the beautifully restored home and gardens of Thomas Jefferson.

In this Globe Trekker Special, our Globe Trekker hosts explore the world’s most historic sites and empires – travel ling from the heart of Europe, across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and visiting spectacular sites dating from medieval times to the 19th century.

Via Dolorosa, JerusalemExploring great historic sites of The Crusades, Zay Harding visits the Dome on the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Holly Morris travels to Syria to check out the mighty Aleppo Citadel and spectacular Krak des Chevaliers fortress.

Built on the back of the Italian city state’s wealth as the most successful trading powers in early medieval Europe, Ian Wright marvels at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, whilst Justine Shapiro explores the Doge’s Palace in Venice.

Following in the footsteps of Venetian merchant Marco Polo’s famous journey to the unknown east, Ian Wright visits remote Karakorum, capital of the Mongol Empire, whilst Megan McCormick enjoys a visit to China’s greatest historic sites, the Great Wall, and theForbidden City.

Holly Morris, Krak des ChevaliersBack in Europe, Ian Wright checks out the wonders of The Renaissance in Florence, while Estelle Bingham explores the Ottoman Empire’s most historic sites in Istanbul – Aya Sofya, the Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace.

England, Portugal, and Spain were the leading European nations during the Age of Discovery. We explore the great sites of Hampton Court Palace, Lisbon docks, and the Moorish Alhambra Fortress in Granada, the conquest of which in 1491 allowed the Spanish to send Columbus on his famous voyage of discovery in 1492.

Megan McCormick visits many of the earliest sites in the New World, Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, the astonishing San Filipe Fort in Cartagena, Colombia, and the Puritans’ first settlement in Plymouth, Massachusetts. From the era of the brutal transatlantic slave trade, Zoe Palmer explores Rodney’s Fort in St. Lucia, whilst back in Africa Ian Wright checks out San Sebastiao Fort in Mozambique, and Megan shudders at the horrors of Elmina Fort in Ghana.

Adela Ucar Innerarity, VersaillesVisiting the greatest sites from the Age of Revolution,Justine Shapiro explores the historic battle for American Independence from England at Williamsburg and Yorktown,Virginia in the U.S., whilst Adela Ucar checks out Versailles Palace and the French Revolution sites of the Bastille and Conciergerie in Paris.

From the 19th Century onwards, England became the world’s greatest power, on the strength of its naval prowess and hugely successful economy. Ian Wright marvels at the historic battleship HMS Victory in Portsmouth harbour, whilst Katy Haswell visits the battlefields of Waterloo. Ending the programme, with the world on the brink of the modern era, Justine Shapiro takes a look at the great Industrial Revolution and historic sites of England’s canals and railways, which presaged the huge technological changes to come that would influence the 20th and 21st centuries’ great historic sites.

In this Globe Trekker Special we explore the world’s most historic sites of the modern era. Our hosts travel from the heart of Europe, across the Middle East, South Africa, the Far East, Australasia, and the USA, visiting spectacular sites dating from the mid 19th century right up to the present day.

Eiffel Tower, ParisExploring the historic sites that shaped the United States, Megan McCormick visits Gettysburg, site of the famous speech given by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, Ian Wright travels to the Little Bighorn battlefield in Montana, site of General Custer’s Last Stand during the Indian Wars, while Justine Shapiro visits the gold mining ghost town of Bodie, once part of the great California Gold Rush that brought vast numbers of settlers to the West.

The late 19th century in both the United States and Europe saw revolutionary developments in modern architecture: Justine Shapiro explores the birth of the skyscraper in Chicago, Adela Ucar visits the greatest expression of early steel technology – the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France – whilst Megan McCormick marvels at Europe’s greatest Modernist masterpiece – Antonio Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona, Spain. Sadly, this golden age of modern European culture was brought to a shuddering end by the outbreak of World War I. Katy Haswell visits Ypres in Belgium, one of the most appallingly bloody of all Great War battlefields, where around half a million soldiers lost their lives.

Megan McCormick, BarcelonaAfter the terrible slaughter of the First World War, the other great upheaval in early 20th century Europe was the Communist Revolution in Russia. Ian Wright travels to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, where the Tsars were overthrown, and to Moscow, to visit Red Square, the Kremlin and Lenin’s Tomb.

Moscow is also home to an extraordinary collection of Communist-era Gothic skyscrapers, but in terms of building skyscrapers as high as possible, the Soviet architects were no match for their capitalist foes in the United States.

In New York, Megan McCormick marvels at the magnificent Art Deco Chrysler Building, opened in 1930, and the extraordinary Empire State Building, built in 1931, which held the title of the world’s tallest building for more than 40 years to come. Tragically, war yet again overshadowed all else in the world from the end of the 1930s through Red Square, Moscowto the mid-1940s. Megan visits Nuremberg in Germany, where Hitler’s Nazi Party rallies set the country on the path to war, while Justine Shapiro travels to the Auschwitz Death Camp in Poland, which still bears witness to the horrors of the Holocaust.

Following the end of World War Two, the Cold War was to divide the world for the next half a century. Ian Wrightvisits the former US nuclear test site in Nevada, whilst in the Ukraine, Holly Morris explores the once top secret Soviet nuclear missile base at Pervomaisk, now open to visitors as the Museum of the Strategic Rocket Troops. Dramatic changes came in 1989, when the Iron Curtain that had divided Europe since 1945 was swept away by a wave of anti- Communist revolutions - Justine Shapiro travels to Berlin to see what little is left of the once fearsome Berlin Wall.

Berlin Wall, GermanySoon after the collapse of the Iron Curtain in Europe, similarly historic events took place in racially divided South Africa, when Apartheid was dismantled. Justine visits the prison on Robben Island, near Cape Town, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned until 1990. In the year 2000, as a new century and a new millennium dawned, naturally enough there were high hopes that the new era would bring a better future. But in 2001, shockingly, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York were toppled by terrorist attack. Megan McCormick visits the site to learn about the new buildings that are now rising from the ashes.

As the 21st century sets out towards an as yet unknown future, a new wave of economicDubai skyscrapers superpowers is developing fast in the Arab Gulf and the Far East. For the first time inover a century, many of the world’s tallest buildings are no longer in the United States, but in places such as Malaysia, Taiwan, China, and Dubai.

In 2010, the astonishing Burj Khalifa in Dubai, at a scarcely believable 2,716 feet tall, smashed the record for the world’s tallest building by over 1,000 feet. 50 years ago, nobody would have imagined that today such astonishing skyscrapers would be commonplace across much of the developing world.

In this programme host Zay Harding travels to two beautiful archipelagos of isolated islands, one in the Pacific and the other in the Atlantic.

First he explores the very rarely visited Marshall Islands, some of the world’s remotest islands of all, way out in the middle of the vast Pacific ocean.

Subsequently, he heads on to the Atlantic coast of South America, to check out the fascinating former Dutch colonies of Curacao and Bonaire.

Bizarrely, when he first flies in to the Marshall Islands, Zay has to pass through a US military airport on Kwajalein atoll, which is part of a high security ballistic missile test site.

Swiftly ushered off the military base, Zay catches a boat to the adjacent island of Ebeye, to dive the wreck of a WWII battleship that sank here as a result of damaged sustained during the USA’s controversial post-war atomic bomb tests on nearby Bikini atoll.

Attracted by the chance of working at the US military base on Kwajalein, thousands of Marshall Islanders have moved to the tiny island of Ebeye; now hugely overcrowded, it’s been given the unflattering nickname ‘the slum of the Pacific’. Zay watches the local baseball team playing in the only open space on Ebeye big enough for the game – the rubbish dump.

Flying on to Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands, Zay visits a project set up to preserve and promote traditional Marshallese canoe-building and navigational skills.

Zay learns how local sailors have the ability to navigate towards far-flung islands by reading signs from the ocean swells. Marshallese sailing canoes are the fastest in the Pacific, and Zay joins in a dramatic impromptu race, battered by fierce Pacific winds.

At Majuro dock, Zay meets up with WWII enthusiast Matt Holly, boarding a dive boat to cross 80 miles of open ocean to the small and extremely remote Mili atoll.

Guns, planes, and other wreckage from the WWII Japanese base on Mili, bombed by the Americans, can still be seen strewn around the island.

Zay finishes his tour diving a remarkably intact US B25 bomber that crashed in the lagoon during one of the many bombing raids.

Moving on to the Atlantic coast of South America, Zay starts his journey through the Dutch Antilles in Curacao’s capital Willemstad.

Here he visits the beautiful synagogue, built in the 1730s, which is the oldest in continuous use in the Western Hemisphere. Elsewhere, much of the town’s old colonial Dutch architecture is being restored, and Zay checks out one of the most attractive restoration projects. On the site of the town’s former slave market, Zay visits a disturbing museum that documents the brutal history of the transatlantic slave trade.

After sampling the island’s famous ‘Blue Curacao’ orange-flavoured liqueur, Zay heads on to the nearby island of Bonaire.

Here there are huge natural salt deposits, which were worked by slaves until the 19th century, and are still a major commercial business today.

Zay checks out some very simple ‘slave huts’ here, which are said to have been used by the slaves to shelter from the worst of the midday sun, as the sunlight was so bright against the white salt deposits that it otherwise caused many of the slaves to go blind. Elsewhere on the island, the marine environment is well preserved, and the offshore coral reef has some of the Caribbean’s best diving.

Above water, Zay kayaks in the island’s dense mangrove swamps, which provide a pristine habitat for much of the island’s wildlife. The island’s parrot population has plummeted in recent decades, as wild parrots have been illegally captured for the pet trade. Zay ends his trip visiting two wildlife refuges – one housing former pet parrots in preparation for release back into the wild, and another caring for hundreds of donkeys, the offspring of donkeys who once worked in the island’s salt mines and were then abandoned. The future of Bonaire’s wildlife, it seems, is in good hands.

Holly Morris discovers two South American countries that may share a similar name but couldn’t be more different. Beginning her journey in Uruguay, Holly explores its beautiful coastline, often referred to as the Riviera of the Southern Hemisphere.

But she doesn’t spend much time in chic beach resorts and instead opts to rough it in the primitive hippie hang out of Cabo Polonio where electricity is rare but tranquillity abounds. Holly then heads inland and north to the rarely visited heartland of Uruguay and tries her hand at ranching, the predominant industry of the country.

Uruguay-and-Paraguay—Las-llamadas-CarnivalAfter experiencing the largest gaucho festival in the world with its 19th century ranch recreations and gaucho busting rodeos, Holly boards a plane and heads north-west to the mysterious land locked nation of Paraguay. In contrast to Uruguay, Paraguay is one of the least visited countries on the South American continent.

Holly begins her Paraguayan adventure in its capital city Asunción where she learns about the brutal dictatorship that gripped the country for some 30 years. She then heads out into the countryside and discovers a people of immense ethnic diversity.

Thanks to its remoteness Paraguay has long attracted experimental societies from across the globe who came to the country with extreme utopian visions. In the beautiful lake side village of San Bernardino Holly explores the remains of an old German community and uncovers an uncomfortable link with Nazism. Further south she visits the ruins of the 18th century Jesuit missions where music, art and a form of religious socialism once flourished.

In the final leg of her journey Holly heads to the north-east of the country and Paraguay’s Mbaracayu nature reserve where she hunts in the traditional way with the countries last surviving hunter gatherers, the indigenous Ache people.

From Mad Max style beach resorts and strange Utopian societies to mysterious jungles deep in the heart of the continent, Globe Trekker Uruguay and Paraguay uncovers an incredibly diverse and unexpected world that couldn’t fail to fascinate even the most jaded adventurer.

In this one-hour Globe Trekker Special to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series, we go behind the scenes to find out how the world’s longest running and most popular travel series is made.

We join a crew on the road and film them as they shoot a Globe Trekker episode. We witness the logistical challenges of shooting this iconic series, which has been in continual production since 1992 and recorded more than 200 episodes.

We interview hosts, producers, directors and crew to find out their perspective on the series which changed the face of travel on TV, nd we uncover behind the scenes moments from shoots over the years and air these for the very first time!



内容 社会科学类 社会 休闲活动 旅游
史地类 地理 亚洲 南亚
  • 暫無

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC Globe Trekker Category:???? Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.151 旅游 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.223 南亚 Category:6.2234 孟加拉国 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2311 英国 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2411 加拿大 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:6.2429 南美洲其它国家 Category:6.26 大洋洲及其它各国 Category:6.263 美拉尼西亚 Category:6.2631 巴布亚新几内亚 Category:6.264 密克罗尼西亚 Category:6.2643 马绍尔群岛 Category:缺翻译 Category:缺图片