
军事类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 1998 年出品,是 DC Wings 系列其中之一。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:DC 战机系列
  • 英文片名 :Wings Clash of Wings
  • 英文系列名:DC Wings
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 版本 :VCD
  • 发行时间 :1998

The first air attack of te Second World War officially commenced at 04.34 hours on September 1st 1939, when three Luftwaffe Ju-87 Stukes attacked railway bridges in Poland. The air war effectively ended at 10.58am on August 9th 1945, when a solitary B-29 Superfortress over the Japanese city of Nagasaki dropped the second atomic bomb. The Stukas carried 250kg bombs: the a-bomb dropped by the B-29 was equivalent to 23,000 tons of TNT. In just six years of warfare, air power had changed and grown in destruction capability almost beyond recognition. Based on the international bestselling book by Walter Boyne, CLASH OF WINGS is the definitive film history of aerial warfare during World War Two. Immensely detailed and packed with the very best authentic film footage from archives around the world, the series covers the air war in every theatre from 1939 to 1945. From the earliest blitzkriegs to the pounding of mainland Japan, from the Battle of Britain and the Blitz to the massive USAF and RAF bomber raids into the heart of Nazi Germany and from the great aircraft carrier duels in the Pacific to the bitter air battles over the Soviet Union, CLASH OF WINGS details the great air battles of the Second World War as never before. Featuring rarely seen aerial combat footage of all the major combat aircraft types from the World War II period.

Presented by Walter Boyne (Author of ‘Clash of Wings’) Executive Producer: Philip Osborn Director & Producer: John Honey

A Production of Networks USA & Llanischen Films LLC (1998)

Blitzkrieg : World War Two is declared and Hitler’s Luftwaffe employs revolutionary new aircraft and tactics in the Blitzkreig attacks on Poland and Scandinavia that precede the German invasions. Aircraft Featured: JU87B, Hurricane, Spitfire, BF109, BF110, HE111, JU53 and DO17.

The Battles of France and Britain : New fighting techniques using newly developed aircraft were unleashed over Britain and France by both the Allies and the Axis and would provide a glimpse at the speed and efficiency of what was to come throughout the rest of WWII. Aircraft Featured: Hurricane, Spitfire, BF109, BF110, JU88, HE111, DO17 & 217, JU87, Bristol Blenheim, Fairey Battle and JU52.

The Russian Front : Operation Barbarossa and Germany’s failure to bring a quick resolution to that particular campaign was arguably the turning point of the war in Europe. Aircraft Featured: Polikarpov I-153, Tupolev SB-2, IL-2, PE2, BF109 F & G Models, JU88, JU87, JU52, Yak 9, PO 2 and P39 Aircobra.

The Pacific War : The air war in the Pacific is launched commencing with a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour. This campaign saw the evolvement of carrier based aerial warfare with great battles raging between the aircraft carriers of Japan and the United States. Aircraft Featured: Mitsubishi Zero, Betty and Type 96 Bomber, Aichi D3A Val, Douglas SBD Dauntless, B25 Mitchell, P40, Wildcat, Hellcat, Corsair and PBY Catalina.

The Mediterranean Theatre : Britain faced Germany and its Italian allies in the battle for supremacy over the Mediterranean and Northern Africa. American airmen later joined the British in their struggle for Europe. Aircraft Featured: P40E, CR42 Falco, G50 Frecchia, Fiat G55, Folgore, Hurricane, Wellington, Swordfish, JU87 Stuka, BF109, P38 Lightning, P39 and B25.

Battle of the Atlantic : The Battle of the Atlantic very nearly brought Britain to her knees and proved to be one of the most crucial campaigns of the war. Deadly weapons including H2S maritime search radar were developed to combat the German U Boat menace. Aircraft Featured: Fairey Swordfish, FW Condor, Short Sunderland, Lockheed Hudson, PBY Catalina, Liberator, HE111 and Dornier 217.

The War in the Pacific Islands : The Pacific War with Japan reached a crucial turning point with the Battles of Guadalcanal and New Guinea. Japanese expansion in the Pacific region was halted for the first time and the tide slowly began to turn. Aircraft Featured: Hellcat, Wildcat, Corsair, Zero, G4M Betty, Val, P40, Dauntless, Avenger, P38, B17 and C47 Dakota.

The Allied Dominance in the Pacific : America and the Allied forces set their sites on the home islands of Japan and in doing so liberated much of the Japanese held Pacific. Japan, however struck back with a terrifying new weapon

  • the Kamikaze attack. Aircraft Featured: Hellcat, B17, B24, B25, P38, P47, C47, F4, P39, P40, Corsair, Helldiver, Zero, Avenger and B29.

The Allied Bombing Campaign of Germany : After Britain’s somewhat faltered start to the bombing campaign of Germany in 1940 and the entry of the United States into the war the allies quickly developed precision area bombing into a highly effective assault with incredibly devastating results. Aircraft Featured: B17, Wellington, Hampden, Whitley, Stirling, Halifax, Lancaster, BF109, FW190 and BF110.

Allied Might versus German Technology : The combined day and night bombing of German cities was chiefly responsible for turning the tide of the air war against Germany. Germany’s response was a case of too little too late with the development of a highly sophisticated night fighter force and the introduction of Jet and Rocket powered fighters. Aircraft Featured: P38 Lightning, Mosquito, HE219 Owl, Lancaster, P51 Mustang, BF110, Typhoon, ME262, Arado 234 and ME163.

Firebombing of Japan and the Atomic Bomb : In 1944, the major cities of Japan were targeted in a firebombing campaign that would climax with the dropping of the Atomic Bomb and days later, the surrender of the Japanese. Aircraft Featured: B26, B29 Superfortress and P51 Mustang.

The Evolution of the Fighter in World War II : The World War Two period saw the development of the fighter aircraft from the biplane through to the introduction of the first jet fighter aircraft. Aircraft featured in this volume include the Mustang, Spitfire, Hurricane, BF109, BF110, P40, P38 and Zero.

The Evolution of the Bomber in World War II : Never before had the bomber been needed and used so effectively than in World War Two. It’s necessity brought forward it’s evolution from simple twin engined medium bombers through to the four engined radar equipped super bombers like the B29 Superfortress and Lancaster. Aircraft featured in this volume include the Lancaster, Mosquito, Wellington, B17, B24, B25, B26, HEIII, DO17, JU88, Val, Kate and Betty.



内容 应用科学类 机械工程 航空器
社会科学类 军事 现代战争
史地类 历史 二十世纪
  • Wings (TV series) WIKI

Category:片名 Category:Discovery Channel Category:DC Wings Category:1998 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.3 机械工程 Category:4.34 航空器 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.6 军事 Category:5.614 现代战争 Category:5.6142 第二次世界大战 Category:5.621 军用航空飞行器 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.117 二十世纪 Category:缺翻译