
应用科学类纪录片,PBS 频道 2008 年出品,是 PBS Independent Lens 系列之一。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:PBS 独立镜头
  • 英文片名 :Asperger Syndrome: Today’s Man
  • 英文系列名:PBS Independent Lens
  • 电视台 :PBS
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :53 min
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2008

TODAY’S MAN tells the story of Nicky Gottlieb, a former child genius who, at age 21, is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. People with Asperger’s, which is a form of autism, tend to be highly intelligent often geniuses in certain subjects but are unable to pick up on social cues. The subtleties of body language, facial expression, tones or gestures are lost to Nicky, and his own behavior can be considered by others to be bizarre and inappropriate.

One in 160 children today are born with some form of autism. Although Asperger Syndrome is considered to be on the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum, it was only recognized in the U.S. in 1994. While there are an increasing number of resources for Asperger’s children, there are surprisingly few organizations and programs for adults with the syndrome, resulting in a “lost generation” of people like Nicky who must find their own ways to navigate life with this perplexing disorder.

TODAY’S MAN follows Nicky as he struggles to leave the safety of his family’s home and the comfort of his favorite TV shows in order to find a job and an apartment. Made by Nicky’s sister Lizzie Gottlieb, the film is a sister’s search to understand her brother’s mysterious inner life and a larger effort to comprehend Asberger Syndrome and the people who struggle with it.



内容 应用科学类 医药 疾病和医疗 意识/精神/心理/行为/…
史地类 地理 美洲 北美洲


Category:片名 Category:PBS Category:PBS Independent Lens Category:2008 Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.1 医药 Category:4.11 疾病和医疗 Category:4.17 意识/精神/心理/行为/… Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译