
自然科学类纪录片,PBS 频道 2010 年出品,是 PBS Nova 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :探索宇宙的边缘
  • 中文系列名:PBS 新星
  • 英文片名 :Telescope: Hunting the Edge of Space
  • 英文系列名:PBS Nova
  • 电视台 :PBS
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英语
  • 时长 :53 min
  • 版本 :DVD
  • 发行时间 :2010

In this two-hour special, NOVA examines how a simple instrument, the telescope, has fundamentally changed our understanding of our place in the universe. What began as a curiosity—two spectacle lenses held a foot apart—ultimately revolutionized human thought across science, philosophy, and religion. “Hunting the Edge of Space” takes viewers on a global adventure of discovery, dramatizing the innovations in technology and the achievements in science that have marked the rich history of the telescope.

“The Mystery of the Milky Way,” Hour 1, chronicles the history of telescopes, from Galileo’s refractor to Newton’s reflector and beyond. It looks at key discoveries, such as those made by William Herschel and his sister Caroline, including the discovery of the planet Uranus. Hour 1 also looks at recent missions: the voyage of the Cassini spacecraft to Saturn, the Kepler telescope’s search for planets beyond our solar system, and the Herschel Space Observatory’s examination of the Milky Way, which is so large that it would take 100,000 years traveling at the speed of light to cross from one edge to the other. Hour 2, “The Ever-Expanding Universe,” introduces a new generation of ever-larger telescopes that is poised to reveal answers to longstanding questions about our universe—and, in turn, to raise new questions.

In “The Ever-Expanding Universe,” Hour 2 of the two-part special “Hunting the Edge of Space,” NOVA investigates a battery of high-tech telescopes that is joining the Hubble Space Telescope on its quest to unlock the secrets of our universe, a cosmos almost incomprehensible in its size, age, and violence. Far beyond our solar system, we are now discovering exoplanets orbiting other suns, and beyond our galaxy, another hundred billion galaxies, such as Andromeda, Sombrero, and Whirlpool, each harboring hundreds of billions of stars. We’ve detected supermassive black holes, spinning violently at the very centers of galaxies, including our own. We’ve witnessed supernovas: exploding stars, millions of light-years away, spewing out superheated gas at 600,000 miles per hour. And deep inside clouds of gas and dust, billowing trillions of miles high, we can glimpse new stars being born. Now, the latest telescopes are revealing the invisible mysteries of space that we are only just beginning to understand: dark matter, the hidden scaffolding our entire cosmos is built on; and dark energy, a powerful and invisible force that is pushing our universe apart.



内容 自然科学类 天文学 观测 地上仪器及天文台


Category:片名 Category:PBS Category:PBS Nova Category:2010 Category:3. 自然科学类 Category:3.2 天文学 Category:3.21 观测 Category:3.211 地上仪器及天文台 Category:缺翻译