
军事类纪录片,History Channel 频道 2005 年出品,是 HC Shootout! 系列之一。



  • 中文片名 :
  • 中文系列名:
  • 英文片名 :Shootout! Season 1
  • 英文系列名:HC Shootout!
  • 电视台 :History Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 语言 :英語
  • 时长 :45 min / EP
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2005

Shootout! was a documentary series featured on The History Channel and ran for two seasons from 2005 to 2006. It depicts actual firefights between United States military personnel and other combatants. There are also occasional episodes dedicated to police or S.W.A.T. team firefights, as well as Wild West shootouts. It also now has a feature of downloading and playing a first-person shooter detailing some of the battles.

The battles include skirmishes from World War II, the Vietnam War, and the ongoing War on Terror in Afghanistan and during the 2003-2010 Iraq War. Season 1 was produced for The History Channel by Greystone Communications and Season 2 was produced by Flight 33 Productions. The series was created by Dolores Gavin (History Channel) and Louis Tarantino.

November 2004 - Fallujah, Iraq has become a viper pit. Over the last six months, this once holy city has become the center of gravity for the Iraqi insurgency with Al Qaeda terrorists and Islamic radicals from across the Muslim world congregating here to resist the US occupation. Many have come to martyr themselves and to take as many coalition troops with them as possible. On November 8, six battalions of US soldiers and Marines storm the city to kill the insurgents. It will be the fight of their lives. With riveting and insightful commentary from the men who sweated and bled on the dusty avenues of Fallujah, this episode highlights the strategies, cutting-edge technologies, and harrowing stories of mortal combat–many told here for the first time - of the deadliest house-to-house street brawl since the battle for Hue City, Vietnam. As one Marine tells us, if Fallujah isn’t hell, it’s in the same zip code.

Guadalcanal, a small island in the Southwestern Pacific was the place the U.S. chose to confront the Japanese on the ground for the first time in WW2. Here, beginning in August, 1942, Americans and Japanese were brought face-to-face in close quarter shootouts that became a turning point of the war. From the near- total annihilation of Col. Frank Goettge’s intelligence patrol to the battles of Bloody Ridge, both sides learned what the other was made of. The Japanese were willing to fight to the death, and the Americans were eager to offer them that chance. The victory ultimately belonged to the U.S., but in the man on man struggles that characterized the campaign, winning or losing became personal and were the difference between survival or death.

Savage. Sadistic. Often Justified. The western frontier triggered many a shootout. The motivation? Money. Women. Religion. Sometimes a dirty look triggered a melee. Western shootouts were messy, drunken, and deadly affairs. The vision of two gunslingers meeting in the street at high noon is pure myth. Shootouts were typically up close and personal. They involved lawmen against outlaws, outlaws against outlaws and sometimes lawmen against lawmen. In Shootout - Wild West, we will focus on: The Northfield Raid (James-Younger gang vs. the town of Northfield), the shootout at Hanska Slough (Jameless- Youngers vs. Medelia Posse), and Ingalls Raid (Doolin/Dalton gang vs. U.S. Marshals). We will provide the motivation, strategy, tactics and firearms involved on both sides of the gun battle. We will detail each phase of the combat and the aftermath.

In 1944 Ike’s order was short and to the point: Destroy the German army. If successful, the Allied Forces would win the war in Europe. To American GI’s that meant defeating a foe bent on defending his homeland at all cost. Shootout: Assault on Germany recounts and reenacts the vivid combat experiences of American soldiers who participated in one of the greatest military campaigns of World War II. Through interviews, archival footage and re-creations, vets share their graphic memories of penetrating the Siegfried Line, the formidable German border defense system; fighting in the Hurtgen Forest, a dark, dense wooded area that rendered tanks and air power useless; and sewing up the Ruhr Pocket, an industrial region where some of the most intense fighting in the European theater took place. The veterans put the viewer right in harm’s way with their deeply personal stories of what it was like to shoot and kill the enemy and conquer Germany one pillbox, one troop shelter, one hill top and one town at a time. They shed tears over lost comrades and reveal the awful effects of combat, including the psychological stress that still haunts them sixty years later. The price of victory was steep but to a man, it was worth it. If you want to know what made these veterans “the greatest generation,” Shootout: Assault on Germany lets you know straight from the gut.

Target: Baghdad! For 21 days in the spring of 2003, two divisions of U.S. soldiers and Marines race north across the Iraqi desert from Kuwait. Their mission: seize the Iraqi capital as quickly as possible. The planners of Operation Iraqi Freedom believe that taking Baghdad in a hurry will be like “cutting off the head of the snake.” That it will bring a speedy end to the war. Without command and control coming from the capital, Saddam’s army in the field will be toothless. But it won’t be a cakewalk. There’s a tenacious force of guerrilla fighters eager to throw up roadblocks. They call themselves Saddam Fedayeen – “Saddam’s Men of Sacrifice” – and they’re more than happy to die for their dictator. The Fedayeen weapon of choice is the RPG – the rocket-propelled grenade. This nasty piece of hand-held artillery can stop the Marines’ thin-shelled armored personnel carrier, and it can even put a tank out of commission if it hits it in just the right spot. We’ll hear from troops who found themselves on the receiving end of punishing RPG barrages. And we’ll listen in as these same veterans recount stories of brutal shootouts with Fedayeen on the bloody road to Baghdad.

It’s a high stakes heist gone bad….an urban shooting spree that rivals battles in war torn Iraq. It’s one of the most violent shootouts in American police history. It takes place in the “bank robbery capital of the world” – Los Angeles. Television cameras on the ground and in the air capture the shootout live. Two paramilitary-style gunmen take over a bank using terrorist technology. Donning full body armor, automatic and semiautomatic weapons, they charge out of a Bank of America branch in North Hollywood. With brutal and brazen disregard, they fire over 1,000 rounds of armor piercing ammo at police and civilians. The LAPD try to take them out using 9mm handguns. They’re obviously outgunned! The congested residential area turns into a killing zone. Approximately 350 police officers battle two psychotic villains. The shootout will end with two dead and 18 injured.

The Pacific Ocean is a vast emptiness, where World War Two is fought on tiny specks of land. As the big battles unfold, soldiers come face-to-face at close quarters with their enemies. Shootouts takes us right into the middle of a daring raid on the Makin Atoll… a solo machine gunner outnumbered on New Georgia in the Solomons… two dozen Marines against hundreds of Japanese on Peleliu… and a single rifleman who held off two companies in the Philippines. These are the men with guns in their hands, thousands of miles from home, where the winners of the Shootouts… are the only ones left alive.

Go with SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) into some dangerous territory from the safety of your own home! Follow them as they plan to rescue dozens of hostages held at gunpoint in a bar. Track their strategy as they get ready to lay siege to an electronics store held captive by four armed men. Learn how they confront a disgruntled employee who threatens to kill a former co-worker. During the hour, interviews with former hostages and the SWAT officers who saved them will guide viewers minute-by-minute through real crises. The tactics and technology used by the experts are detailed and dramatized, taking those watching along for the ride. This fast-paced, action-heavy episode has a few happy endings – and some that aren’t.

If you thought the war in Afghanistan was over, think again. Young Americans continue to fight and die as they pursue Osama bin Laden, battle with Al Qaida, and destroy the last remnants of the Taliban regime. Fighting a tenacious enemy across searing deserts and frigid mountain peaks requires strong weaponry and sound tactics. These American veterans had both. Marine Gunnery Sergeant William Bodette shows us how he fought off three enemy ambushes in one month and lived to tell the tale. Three National Guardsmen – all cops back in America’s heartland – diagram their rescue of two Special Forces snipers pinned down by Al Qaida gunmen. Sergeant Jason Thompson breaks down the shootout on an Afghanistan hillside that left him seriously wounded and took the life of one of the young Marines under his command. Across Afghanistan, boots are on the ground. M-16s locked and loaded. Young men kill, or be killed. In this ancient battlefield, infamous for punishing the arrogant and swallowing the mighty, coalition forces soldier on. Hear their combat stories on Shootout!: The Hunt for Bin Laden.

They killed 3,000 U.S. citizens on a single day…on U.S. Soil. Al-Qaeda and Taliban extremists…still on the loose…and still actively planning death and destruction. For five years, heroic U.S. Servicemen and their allies have hunted these murderers. Special Forces Captain Jason Amerine links up with pre-Taliban-era statesman Hamid Karzi and orchestrates a bombing campaign that forces the Taliban to surrender Kandahar and escape into the hills. 10th Mountain Division and 101st Airborne Division soldiers kill or capture hundreds of Al-Qaeda fighters and Taliban hold-outs in Operation Anaconda. And a U.S. Marine task force roots out and takes down dozens more terrorists in the birthplace of the Taliban – the Oruzgan Province in south-central Afghanistan. The on-going search for enemy combatants in the mountains of Afghanistan has brought both battlefield successes…and heartbreaking tragedies…like the death of pro football-star-turned-soldier, Pat Tillman. This is the story of the gun battles from that search…harrowing, deadly shootouts…from the Hunt for Afghanistan’s Most Wanted.



内容 社会科学类 军事 现代战争 第二次世界大战 海湾战争及伊拉克战争 团体和部队
史地类 地理 美洲 北美洲 美国
  • History Channel Shootout!- Wikipedia !

Category:片名 Category:History Channel Category:HC Shootout! Category:2005 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.6 军事 Category:5.614 现代战争 Category:5.6142 第二次世界大战 Category:5.6146 海湾战争及伊拉克战争 Category:5.63 团体和部队 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:缺翻译